We modern people are starved with too much technology and hunger for a more substantial reality—one we can find in the liturgy, says Andrew TJ Kaethler, both now and forever.
Whether from top-down or bottom-up, any attempt to restore a Christian culture today, according to Dom Virgil Michel in this Adoremus reprint, must begin with a firm foundation in Christ.
This November, Pius X’s Tra le Sollecitudini turns 120 and Sacrosanctum Concilium turns 60, and both documents, explains Father Kurt Belsole, shed light on the liturgy for our times.
The story of the Church is told through its saints. Father Thomas Kocik’s brief history of the Church’s official saint directory, the Roman Martyrology, helps us understand why.
Joseph O’Brien’s review of The Forgotten Language shows how its author, Father Michael Rennier, finds the Mass a mysterious yet accessible love poem from God to humanity.