Word Up!
Mike Brummond offers a road map which helps families triangulate holiness with a renewed love for scripture and an effective integration with the liturgy.
You Say You Want a Revolution?
Then go to Mass—that’s Dom Virgil Michel’s advice in a reprint of a 1935 article which explains the link between liturgy and social regeneration.
Liturgy in Your Living Room
Or kitchen or dining room or wherever you have online access. As Joseph O’Brien reports, the Liturgical Institute is offering online courses on the liturgy.
Move over Elon Musk—there’s a new digital platform to help the faithful launch into heavenly realities. Its designer, Adam Bartlett, explains how it all works.
Theology + History = Truth
In reviewing Helmut Hoping’s newly translated book, Aaron Sanders examines how theology and history play starring roles in the Eucharist’s doctrinal development.