25 Years Young….
Adoremus Bulletin celebrates 25 years of liturgical renewal this year—and, as Joseph O’Brien reports, it all began in a conversation with Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.
The Big Five-Oh
Also celebrating a milestone is the Novus Ordo—and both an excerpt from Paul VI and Christopher Carstens’s editorial explain why it remains ever ancient, ever new.
When the Liturgy Stands Tall…
…the Church renews herself and the world, says Father Daniel Cardó, who sees Benedict XVI’s liturgical diagnosis as a timely—and timeless—cure for what ails us all.
Adoremus Goes to College
As the Church strives to make the grade on campuses around the U.S., Patrick Callahan says, the liturgy has its own lessons to teach Catholics and non-Catholics alike.
True or False?
To ring in the New Year, Adoremus is launching a brand new feature in its pages—a quiz on all things liturgical, which will appear in each issue. (Answer: See page 11).