Hello, Newman!
One of the Church’s newest declared saints—St. John Henry Newman—had a lot of things to say about a lot of things—including the liturgy, says Father Michael Lang.
Benedictions on Culture
A bunch of Benedicts, writes Roland Millare—St. Benedict, Benedictine Father Virgil Michel, and Pope Benedict XVI—place liturgy at the heart of culture—any culture!
A Parable of Two Cities
John Johnson joins Jerusalem’s two St. Johns (the Baptist and Evangelist) to Athens’ most famous philosopher as models for a humble liturgical approach to Advent.
Be the Glory
Glorifying God is not just a liturgical act—it can also be a part of our very being, as Anthony Lilles shows is the case in the spirituality of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity.
Got Beer?
Then drink a draught of some good Catholic culture too—so says R. Jared Staudt in The Beer Option, reviewed by Joseph O’Brien in this last call on inculturation for 2019!