Table of Contents
Sep 15, 2014

Table of Contents

Online Edition
September 2014
Vol. XX, No. 6

Table of Contents

Christ on the Cross (ca. 1632). Diego Velázquez. Oil on canvas. Museo Nacional del Prado

News & Views— New Chant Academy for Pastoral Musicians in New York Seminary | Liturgical Institute’s Church Architecture Conference | Society For Catholic Liturgy Conference | Musica Sacra St. Louis Conference | Magnificat Day in Memphis | Former Anglican Parish, Now Catholic, Moves to DC

Understanding the Holy See’s Circular Letter on the Ritual Expression of trhe Gift of Peace at Massby the Secretariat of the US Bishops’ Committee on Divine Worship

The Work of ICEL: Liturgical Translation and Education by Monsignor Andrew Wadsworth

Nicola A. Montani and the Catholic Liturgical Revival of the Early 20th Century by Lucy E. Carroll

Recycling the house of God — Two Old Churches Unite to Become One New Parishby Richard J. Gambla

Readers’ ForumAsperges;Deacons | Greetings at Mass, and Altar Servers’ Vesture | Bination Question | Communion on the Tongue or in the Hand? | Best Church Document on Music | Electronic Devices — Apps for Mass

Prayer for the Synod on the Family

Looking ForwardHow will the Church withstand coming changes and challenges?by Helen Hull Hitchcock


When we turn our gaze to the Cross, where Jesus was nailed, we contemplate the sign of God’s infinite love for each one of us, and the root of our salvation. From this Cross there springs the mercy of the Father who embraces the entire world. Through the Cross, the evil one is vanquished and death defeated, we are given life, and hope is restored to us….

The Cross of Jesus is our only true hope!  This is why the Church exalts the glorious Cross of Jesus, sign of God’s immense love, sign of our salvation, and path to the Resurrection. And this is our hope.

— Pope Francis
from Angelus, September 14
Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross


Adoramus te Christe,
et benedicimus tibi,
Quia per sanctam crucem tuam
redemisti mundum.

We adore thee, O Christ,
and we bless thee,
Who by thy Holy Cross
hast redeemed the world.

O Crux, ave spes unica!

Hail, O Cross, our only hope!




Adoremus, Society for the Renewal of the Sacred Liturgy


The Editors