Dec 31, 2007

Online Edition

– Vol. VI, No. 8: November 2000

Table of Contents

Origin of ICEL’S "Original Texts", Part IIIby Helen Hull Hitchcock and Susan Benofy

"Active Participation" in Chant "The music in the house of God must be for the glory of God and the edification of the Faithful. The music must be worship of God, not of men". — by the Right Reverend Martin B. Hellriegel

Infelicities in the New Lectionary for Mass –Now that we have heard the new Lectionary for almost two years, it is time to look at what we have been listening to. –by Father Ralph Wright, OSB

Dress, Demeanor, Discipline Show How We Value Holy Massby Bishop Robert Vasa

When did Bach find time to pray?by Terry Mattingly

NEWSUpdate on Chicago’s new liturgical institute — St. Paul causes "domestic violence"? — Jerusalem Bible News — "Catholic Youth Bible" tops 125,000 in sales — Pope: Rediscover riches of liturgy — Third Reconquering Sacred Space conference



Helen Hull Hitchcock Susan F. Benofy