Adoremus, Society for the Renewal of the Sacred Liturgy
To help you find information on our web site in the most efficient way, here are suggestions for searching our site via two popular Internet search engines. (This does not imply our endorsement of either Google or Yahoo. Other search engines, such as MSN, Netscape and AOL have similar instructions for searching.)
Google Search
1) Go to Google Search
2) Click on Advanced Search: a) Under "find results" type in desired word(s) or phrase; b) Under Domain type in
3) Click search or hit “enter” on your keyboard
Yahoo Search
1) Go to Yahoo Search
2) Click on Advanced Search: a) Under "Show results with" type in desired word(s) or phrase; b) Under "Site/Domain" check "only search in this domain/site" and type in
3) Click search or hit “enter” on your keyboard