Online Edition – October 2006
Vol. XII, No. 7
Table of Contents
News & Views — Pope Benedict on Faith and Reason | No more “Saginaw Blessing” | FDLC Meets in Omaha
To the Heart of the Mystery, On Sacrosanctum Concilium and the Liturgical Reform, Archbishop Ranjith’s address was prepared for the 29th Annual Convention of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, held in Kansas City, Missouri September 22-24 — by Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith
Liturgy Congress in Africa — Letter from Cardinal Arinze, Report on Congress
Mass Marketing Mass, Can we compete with “megachurches”? — by Fr. John Valencheck
St. Mark’s — A Liturgy Without Hymns, Is the liturgy at this great Venetian basilica what the Council had in mind? —by Joseph Swain
"Ecumenical Texts" in the Missal?
What is the Effect of the Priest Changing the Words of the Mass? Is There Anything We Can Do?
Pope Benedict XVI: Gregorian Chant and Choral Polyphony in the Liturgy
Readers’ Forum — New English Texts for the Mass | Annoyed by New Translation | Useful Web Site | When “Inclusive” Isn’t | Holy Days | More Holy Days | Divine Office Revision? | Why a Crucifix on the Altar? | Piano Played During Passion
The encounter with the beautiful can become the wound of the arrow that strikes the heart and in this way opens our eyes, so that later, from this experience, we take the criteria for judgment and can correctly evaluate the arguments.[…]
If we know [Christ], not only in words, but if we are struck by the arrow of His paradoxical beauty, then we will truly know Him, and know Him not only because we have heard others speak about Him. Then we will have found the beauty of Truth, of the Truth that redeems. Nothing can bring us into close contact with the beauty of Christ Himself other than the world of beauty created by faith, and light that shines out from the faces of the saints, through whom His own light becomes visible.
— Pope Benedict XVI (Cardinal Ratzinger)
The Feeling of things, the Contemplation of Beauty
Message to Communion and Liberation, August 2002, Rimini, Italy