Feb 15, 2005

Table of Contents

Online Edition


February 2005
Vol. X No. 10

Table of Contents

News & ViewsPope Grants Plenary Indulgence for the Year of the Eucharist — Holy See Approves National Directory for Catechesis — Folk-religions and Peace Focus of Vatican Forum — New Roman Martyrology Lists 7,000 Saints and Blesseds — Attention Teachers, Parents, Students… — Catholic Aid for Tsunami Disaster Victims

The Year of the Eucharist: Suggestions and Proposals: Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments — The CDW’s "suggestions and proposals" for observance of the Year of the Eucharist. [Chapters 1-3 published in the Dec-Jan issue, this issue has the conclusion — Link is to the whole document]

Revisiting "Liturgical Dance" — Looking again at the thirty-year-old commentary of the Congregation for Divine Worship on "Religious Dance".

Adoremus makes a move — Update on our move to a new office.

Lent is not too early to plan for Advent — Planning for a Festival of Catholic Culture — by Joanna Bogle

Readers’ ForumReuniting East & West — More on Extraordinary Ministers — Eucharistic Prayer Not a Performance — Orans (again) — Interference? — Liturgy of the Hours — I Quit — Is the "Novus Ordo" Mass Protestant? — Whatever happened to the Real Presence? — Communion-in- the-Hand Coming to Poland? — The Liturgy

Post Communion Prayer

Sit, Jesu dulcissime,
sacratissimum Corpus tuum et Sanguis,
dulcedo et suavitas animae meae,
salus et robur
in omni tentatione,
gaudium et pax
in omni tribulatione,
lumen et virtus
in omni verbo et operatione,
et finalis tutela in morte. Amen.

Sweetest Jesus,
Body and Blood most holy,
be the delight and pleasure of my soul,
my strength and salvation
in all temptations,
my joy and peace
in every trial,
my light and guide
in every word and deed,
and my final protection in death. Amen

– Saint Thomas Aquinas

(from The Aquinas Prayer Book, translated and edited by Robert Anderson and Johann Moser, Sophia Institute Press)


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Joanna Bogle

Joanna Bogle has an MA in Theology and is Visiting Research Fellow at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, London.