Apr 15, 2003

News & updates from the Adoremus office

Online Edition – Vol. IX, No. 2: April 2003

News & updates from the Adoremus office

As dioceses across the country are beginning to implement the new

Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani

, we are hearing from many people who are dismayed at the changes they are seeing at Mass. We have spent a great deal of time answering questions from concerned Catholics who ask for guidance and documented resources.

This has led to many requests for new memberships, and we have entirely run out of several recent back issues of the Adoremus Bulletin because so many have called to request extra copies to share.

We are strongly encouraged by the number of readers that have let us know that armed with information they gathered from Adoremus, they have made strides in fighting heterodoxy.

One reader recently contacted us regarding a practice in her parish that troubled her. We responded with the Church’s rules on the practice. She contacted us the next day to let us know that based on the information she gave him, her pastor agreed to discontinue the practice. He said he had lacked the proper documentation to argue with with the liturgist that had promoted it.

Many readers contacted us to let us know that with the information they gleaned from Adoremus they were inspired to write to the Holy See – and many received answers (see an example inside, page 5.) Naturally, we are encouraged by this, and we thought our faithful readers should know that you are making a difference!

We have planned some new projects to get useful and accurate information to you even more effectively.

As we reported in the February AB, we have begun updating our computer systems. We’re making progress, and have already noticed improved efficiency. But more needs to be done.

Right now, we need about $5,000 for a new laptop computer and printer, plus additional software so we can do a better job on both our publishing projects and web site.

If you haven’t made a donation recently, can you consider making a special "Easter gift" to Adoremus?

We are most grateful for your prayers and your continued financial support! Thank you — and we wish you a most blessed Easter tide!

Your Adoremus Staff



The Editors