Online Edition – Vol. IX, No. 2: April 2003
Detroit Cathedral: "for ecclesial and civic events" — New Missal’s Rubrics for the Easter Vigil — Long-delayed Ordination Rite Translation Approved —Singers Sought — Summer Chant Institute — When Did You Take down Your Christmas Tree? — Corrections
Detroit Cathedral: "for ecclesial and civic events"
The renovated Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament is to be "a center of hospitality for ecclesial and civic events", said Detroit Cardinal Adam Maida as he rededicated it March 25.
The renovation of the 90-year-old gothic-revival building follows a now-standard plan: the original tabernacle and baldachino in the sanctuary are replaced with organ pipes (which partly obscure the stained-glass windows); the original baptistry becomes a chapel of reservation; and a large baptismal pool is near the entrance.
"The baptismal font carved deep into the floor of the main aisle momentarily halts the journey into the worship space. Its placement is deliberate — even confrontational", says the description on the archdiocesan web site.
Angular, boulder-like structures improbably jut from the gothic piers: "Five strong, white stone mountain-range formations rise from the floor of the Cathedral marking specific areas for liturgical activity. These rock-like focus points are intended to recall Christ’s promise to Peter: …on this rock I will build my Church…"
Cardinal Maida’s dedication speech appeared on the web as well:
"As we rededicate Blessed Sacrament Cathedral and make it a center of hospitality for ecclesial and civic events, I am sure you join me in thanking God for those who have been a part of this great project, including our individual family and parish donors. I trust you marvel with me at the creative wisdom of the architect of the project, Gunnar Birkerts, who refashioned this Gothic building and surroundings as a place of light….
"I trust our Cathedral renovation project will be a reminder of the interior journey and renewal we need as we build up a world of peace and justice for all", Cardinal Maida said.
New Missal’s Rubrics for the Easter Vigil
Changes in the rubrics for the Easter Vigil as found in the new Missale Romanum are summarized in the January 2003 issue of the BCL [US Bishops Committee on the Liturgy] Newsletter.
Among the changes: the ritual for preparing the Easter candle — by carving a cross, an alpha and omega and the numerals of the current year into it — are no longer optional.
The procession with the Easter candle is more clearly described and the locations for the proclamation Lumen Christi [Light of Christ] have been changed. The new places are: at the door of the Church (after which the priest lights his candle), in the middle of the church (after which all light their candles), and before the altar, facing the people.
An earlier reference to the Conferences of Bishops adapting the text of the Easter Proclamation (Exsultet) by inserting acclamations has been removed.
All nine Scripture readings (seven from the Old Testament and two from the New Testament) "must be read whenever it can be done … except in cases of extreme necessity".
The rubrics for the liturgy of Baptism have been reorganized in the new Missal.
The celebration of Confirmation is to take place in the sanctuary as indicated in the Pontifical or the Roman Ritual, and there is a solemn blessing to conclude the liturgy.
Long-delayed Ordination Rite Translation Approved
The Holy See has approved the English edition of De Ordinatione Episcopi, Presbyterorum et Diaconorum. The translation, revised in accordance with Liturgiam authenticam‘s principles of translation, was approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops at their November 2002 meeting. It was granted the recognitio of the Holy See on December 4, 2002.
Bishop Wilton Gregory, President of the USCCB, decreed that this translation may be used in the liturgy starting on February 22, 2003. From June 29, 2003 it is the only translation that may be used in the United States.
An earlier version of the Ordination Rite produced by the International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL) was rejected by the Holy See in 1997. A letter by the prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, then Archbishop Jorge Medina Estévez, dated September 20, 1997, cited serious deficiencies in the ICEL text, indicating the Holy See’s resolve to assure accurate translations of liturgical texts that led to the Instruction Liturgiam authenticam in 2001.
Several texts from the Order of Mass appear in the Rite of Ordination. The translation in the newly approved text is from the current (1970) ICEL Sacramentary. When the English version of the revised Missale Romanum appears, a new edition of the Ordination Rite will be prepared.
The sole publisher of the this edition is USCCB Publications, and the new books are expected to be available the first week in May. [no. 5-545, 300 pp. (est.), $99.95]
Schola Cantorum, a small Renaissance and Gregorian chant choir in Falmouth, Massachusetts (Cape Cod) is seeking new singers in all voice parts. The choral ensemble, just over one year old, has sung at several Masses and has given concerts in Hyannis and Falmouth. Interested persons should contact choir manager Oliver Muldoon at 978-307-1610 or e-mail.
Also, we’d like to link up with other choral groups who are trying to do what is in Musicam Sacram. Mutual support would be wonderful!
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary will offer a Gregorian Chant Institute taught by Gerald Holbrook, in two sessions: June 30 to July 4, and July 7-11. The first week is an introductory or beginning course designed for those who have little or no background in chant. The second week is an intermediate course for those who already have some knowledge of chant. Both week-long courses are intensive with two sessions per day. Basic foundations of chant are offered including solfege, conducting and repertoire.
For more information contact Mr. Holbrook at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, P.O. Box 147, Denton, NE 68339, Telephone: 402-797-7700 ex. 28, e-mail: [email protected].
When Did You Take down Your Christmas Tree?
Adoremus had the dubious distinction of being mentioned in the February 2003 issue of Catholic World Report, in the humorous "Diogenes" column. "Diogenes" finds that one can categorize Catholics — from luke-warm to white-hot — by the date they end the Christmas season, beginning with the day after Christmas. Adoremus readers — well, you’ll see from this excerpt:
"February 2, Option A: You keep the manger scene up on the dining room sideboard right through February 2.
"You not only take your faith seriously, you are knowledgeable about it. You have a copy of the Vatican II documents on your bookcase, so you can educate liberals about what it really says. (None of that "spirit of" stuff is allowed.) But you are much more likely to refer to the writings of the Church Fathers when you are in earnest conversation with the other cognescenti.
"You have a resin, Italianate, creche with real moss on the roof that falls off onto the table and makes a mess.
"You give money to a society of lawyers which defends the right of Christians to erect manger scenes on town property.
"Through a special charism of the Spirit, you find the writing in Adoremus Bulletin lively and exciting. A copy of The Wanderer is on your nightstand.
"Your secret candidates for sainthood are the cloistered nuns or monks who live at a monastery not too far from your home".
Well, how about it, folks? Any "special charisms" out there?
(Source: Catholic World Report)
We are continually reminded of what astute readers we have. The following corrections and clarifications were sent to us:
1) In the February 2003 story "Cardinal George Appoints New BCL Members, Advisors", we mistakenly identified Bishop John Smith as the bishop of Metuchen, New Jersey. Bishop Smith is the bishop of Trenton; he was Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Metuchen until Bishop Paul Bootkoski was appointed on January 4, 2002.
2) Concerning "Missal Advice", a letter to the editor in the February Adoremus Bulletin, a reader offered a correction. The letter stated that the Daily Roman Missal from Scepter Press used the New Jerusalem Bible for its Scripture readings. Instead, it uses The Jerusalem Bible (copyrighted 1966, 1967 and 1968); and Psalm texts are from the 1963 "Grail" edition, published by Wm. Collins Sons & Co. Ltd.
3) In the March 2003 issue we referred to the Archdiocese of Minneapolis-St. Paul. The correct title, a reader pointed out, is the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis.