Jul 15, 2002

Liturgy Highlights – 2000-2002

Online Edition

– Vol. VIII, No. 5: July-August 2002

Liturgy Highlights – 2000-2002

July 27, 2000Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani [IGMR], rules for celebration of Mass in the new edition of the Roman Missal, is released in Latin (with "study translation" in English) in advance of the new Missal, scheduled to appear during the Jubilee Year.

October 2000 – Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions objects to IGMR’s new rules for celebration of Mass, urges delay of Missal until US bishops can "adapt" the IGMR. FDLC and "We Believe!" propose adaptations to the IGMR.

November 7, 2000Cardinal Medina Estévez, prefect of the Holy See’s Congregation for Divine Worship, responds to a dubium (question from a bishop) making it clear that the IGMR did not intend to prohibit customary kneeling at Mass.

November 2000 – NCCB meeting: "Built of Living Stones" replaces the 1978 committee statement, "Environment and Art in Catholic Worship", as a guideline for church architecture.

May 7, 2001Liturgiam authenticam released, the Fifth Instruction on the Right Implementation of the Constitution on the Liturgy, outlining principles of translation that replace (and revoke) Comme le prévoit. It had been authorized by the pope April 25.

June 2001 – Atlanta meeting: Bishops 1) discuss ;Liturgiam authenticam 2) announce approval of Lectionary Volume II; 3) unanimously approve Real Presence in the Eucharist; 4) vote on proposed "adaptations" to IGMR; 5) adopt a revised document on Communion in both kinds and roles for extraordinary ministers, known as "This Holy and Living Sacrifice". Adaptations and document sent to Holy See for recognitio.

October 25, 2001 – Cardinal Medina’s letter recommends changes in proposed American Adaptations.

November 2001 – USCCB meeting: Bishops amend Adaptations; remand English translation of IGMR to ICEL (International Commission on English in the Liturgy) for correction in light of Liturgiam authenticam.

March 16, 2002 – Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments [CDW] officially rejects ICEL’s proposed revision of the Sacramentary, submitted to the Holy See for recognitio (approval) in 1999, and issues "Observations" critical of the work.

March 18, 2002Pope John Paul II accepts the published third typical edition of the Missale Romanum (Roman Missal) thus making it, and the new IGMR, effective. IGMR 43 is amended to include customary kneeling at Agnus Dei, as well as during the Eucharistic Prayer.

April 7, 2002 – The Holy See approves "Norms for the Celebration and Reception of Holy Communion Under Both Kinds in the Dioceses of the United States", an amended version of the US bishops’ "This Holy and Living Sacrifice" submitted in June 2001. These Norms are an adaptation to the IGMR.

April 23, 2002 – CDW announces formation of Vox Clara, an international committee of bishops to oversee liturgical translations.

[Pope meets with US cardinals on sex scandals rocking the US Church since revelations in January of cover-ups in the archdiocese of Boston and elsewhere.]

April 25, 2002 – Decree of USCCB president Bishop Wilton Gregory declaring that the "American adaptations" (further amended by the Holy See) are in effect. They are to be incorporated into the text of the IGMR. (No English translation of the complete IGMR has been approved.)

May 19, 2002 – Use of revised Lectionary becomes mandatory. No other version may be used in the United States.

June 2002 – Dallas meeting: Bishops devote conference exclusively to sex-abuse scandals. No action on liturgy items.



The Editors