Online Edition
– Vol. VII, No. 6: September 2001
"A Musical Offering"
What would a Mass sung according to the norms of the Council, Musicam Sacram and the GIRM sound like? The Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music on its web page on the Vatican web site supplies one answer to this question.
A section called "A Musical Offering" makes available both sacred and secular music performed by students and faculty of the school. Included among the selections are four Mass Propers (Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter) including an Introit, Resposorial Psalm, Alleluia (Tract for Lent) Offertory, and Communion.
All the Introits are taken from the Graduale Romanum, the Responsorial Psalms from the Graduale Simplex. In several cases the Offertory is a polyphonic motet.
The music is in MP3 format, and can be downloaded and played on your computer. The URL is:
(NOTE: Files are large and downloads may take some time.)