Sep 15, 2001

A Prayer Before the Blessed Sacrament for the Increase of Priestly and Religious Vocations

Online Edition – Vol. VII, No. 6: September 2001

A Prayer Before the Blessed Sacrament for the Increase of Priestly and Religious Vocations

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the eternal Father, Son of the Virgin Mary,

we thank you for offering your life in sacrifice on the Cross, and for renewing this sacrifice in every Mass celebrated throughout the world.

In the power of the Holy Spirit we adore you and proclaim your living presence in the Eucharist.

We desire to imitate the love you show us in your death and resurrection, by loving and serving one another.

We ask you to call many young people to religious life, and to provide the holy and generous priests that are so needed in your Church today.

Lord Jesus, hear our prayer. Amen.

— Archbishop Justin Rigali

(prayer appears in The Holy Eucharist booklet)



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