Online Edition – Vol. VII, No. 5-6: July-August 2001
Table of Contents
Bishops Propose Liturgy Adaptations for US; Issue Statement on Real Presence — New US rules for Communion in both species proposed — Report and transcript from the June meeting of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in Atlanta, Georgia. — by Helen Hitchcock and Susan Benofy
Postures of the People at Mass — Bishops propose to retain kneeling for the entire Eucharistic prayer, designate standing as posture for receiving Holy Communion.
Archbishop Oscar Lipscomb’s address to bishops on Liturgiam Authenticam — Chairman of the Bishops Committee on the Liturgy outlines the document’s effects on the American Church.
Buried Treasure Sacred Music in the Twentieth Century Liturgical Reform, Part IV of a series on Church music in the 20th Century liturgical reform, the effort to recover Gregorian Chant and encourage active participation by the congregation through music. — By Susan Benofy, PDF version of all 5 parts
News — Cardinal Ratzinger’s 50th Anniversary | The ICEL Man Cometh | Holy Smoke?
Saint Louis Eucharistic Congress draws 32,000 — Cardinal Schotte urges attendees to practice traditional Eucharistic piety. — By Matthew Grantham