Jul 15, 2001

Online Edition – Vol. VII, No. 5-6: July-August 2001

Table of Contents

Bishops Propose Liturgy Adaptations for US; Issue Statement on Real PresenceNew US rules for Communion in both species proposed — Report and transcript from the June meeting of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in Atlanta, Georgia. — by Helen Hitchcock and Susan Benofy

Postures of the People at MassBishops propose to retain kneeling for the entire Eucharistic prayer, designate standing as posture for receiving Holy Communion.

Archbishop Oscar Lipscomb’s address to bishops on Liturgiam Authenticam — Chairman of the Bishops Committee on the Liturgy outlines the document’s effects on the American Church.

Buried Treasure Sacred Music in the Twentieth Century Liturgical Reform, Part IV of a series on Church music in the 20th Century liturgical reform, the effort to recover Gregorian Chant and encourage active participation by the congregation through music. — By Susan Benofy, PDF version of all 5 parts

NewsCardinal Ratzinger’s 50th Anniversary | The ICEL Man Cometh | Holy Smoke?

Saint Louis Eucharistic Congress draws 32,000Cardinal Schotte urges attendees to practice traditional Eucharistic piety. — By Matthew Grantham



Helen Hull Hitchcock Susan F. Benofy