May 15, 2001

Table of Contents

Online Edition

– Vol. VII, No. 3: May 2001

Table of Contents 

Bishops to "Adapt" Liturgy RulesProposed "American Adaptations" to Holy See’s regulations for Mass to be voted on in June

To kneel or not to kneel

Buried Treasure IIIThe US interprets Vatican norms for sacred music — by Susan Benofy — Part III of a new series on Church music in the 20th Century liturgical reform, the effort to recover Gregorian Chant and encourage active participation by the congregation through music. PDF version of all 5 parts

Pope John Paul II’s Letter to Priests — Sacramental reconciliation is crucial to personal holiness, Holy Father says

Vision for Eucharist the vision of liturgists — New directives distress Canadian Catholics — by Andrea Procher

The Eucharist Sacrifice-Banquet of the New Covenant — by The Rev. Msgr. Anthony A. La Femina



Susan Benofy

Susan Benofy received her doctorate in physics from Saint Louis University. She was formerly Research Editor of Adoremus Bulletin.