The Holy See releases the Spiritual Testament of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, dated 29 August 2006.
My spiritual testament
When, at this late hour of my life, I look back on the decades I have wandered through, I see first of all how much reason I have to give thanks. Above all, I thank God Himself, the giver of all good gifts, who has given me life and guided me through all kinds of confusion; who has always picked me up when I began to slip, who has always given me anew the light of his countenance. In retrospect, I see and understand that even the dark and arduous stretches of this path were for my salvation and that He guided me well in those very stretches.
I thank my parents, who gave me life in difficult times and prepared a wonderful home for me with their love, which shines through all my days as a bright light until today…
Continue to read at Vatican News: The Spiritual Testament of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
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