New Partnership Between
Adoremus and Source & Summit

Our times are crying out for a new renaissance—a new blossoming of timeless truth, beauty, and goodness. Today there is a need to carry the torch of salvation into the darkness of our world like the giants who came before us—from Saint Paul to Saint John Paul the Great—and to illuminate the world with heavenly grace. It is time for Catholics to be culture-makers once more. And it all begins with the way we worship.

That is why Adoremus is excited to partner with Source & Summit, a company helping every Catholic parish elevate the liturgy through software and online tools, liturgy and music resources, and training programs. Source & Summit seeks to equip parishes for success as part of the New Evangelization called for by Saint Pope John Paul II by offering customers both its Missal and a digital platform.

Through this special partnership with Source & Summit, Adoremus readers can sign up for a free trial or request a sample copy of Source & Summit by visiting If readers subscribe within 12 months of starting a free trial, they get $50 cash back.

“When Pope Pius X called for the active participation of the faithful in the sacred liturgy—which the Second Vatican Council would make the aim to be considered before all else in its own liturgical reform and restoration—he did so in the context of an instruction on sacred music,” said Adoremus editor Christopher Carstens.

“Since that 1903 letter, the modern liturgical movement has always considered liturgical music a centerpiece of ongoing liturgical renewal. For this reason, Adoremus gratefully announces a new partnership with music publisher Source and Summit. Source and Summit produces liturgical music that is faithful to the tradition, answers the call of the Council Fathers, and is sung easily by parishes and institutions of all kinds. Its hallmark is offering settings of the official, scriptural antiphons for Mass–which has been a common thread in the Roman Rite since its inception. As Adoremus approaches its 30th year of working for liturgical renewal, we cannot imagine a greater opportunity than collaborating with Source and Summit.”

As Adoremus approaches its 30th year of working for liturgical renewal, we cannot imagine a greater opportunity than collaborating with Source and Summit.

— chris carstens, editor, adoremus

Source & Summit’s founder and CEO, Adam Bartlett, is no stranger to Adoremus. He has been a regular contributor to Adoremus, and we have featured his writings and the work of Source & Summit over the years. “We’re thrilled to partner with Adoremus as a Source & Summit affiliate,” said Bartlett.

“Adoremus provides an invaluable service to the Church in the United States and in the liturgical apostolate at large, and has been an inspiring and reliable voice for authentic liturgical renewal for more than a generation now. Source & Summit is a fruit of the movement that Adoremus helped begin a quarter of a century ago, and I hope that we can continue to work together for the glory of God and the sanctification of the faithful well into the next generation. The practical resources that Source & Summit offers to parishes, seminaries, Catholic schools, campus ministries, and the rest of the Ecclesia orans are merely practical and enterprising realizations of many of the principles discussed within the pages of Adoremus. I hope that its readership will find these resources helpful in their work as pastors, musicians, and liturgists.”

Source & Summit, really, is a fruit of the movement that Adoremus helped begin a quarter of a century ago, and I hope that we can continue to work together for the glory of God and the sanctification of the faithful well into the next generation.

— Adam bartlett, ceo, source & Summit

To learn more about Source & Summit, check out the articles and interviews below, or write to us at [email protected].

Celebrating the Mass Well: New Source & Summit Missal and Music Offerings Seek to Help Raise Up and Renew Liturgy

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Source and Summit Launches New Missal to Elevate Liturgy

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Our Mission Is the Church’s Mission: An Interview with Adam Bartlett, Founder of the Liturgical Software and Publishing Venture, Source & Summit

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A New Digital Platform to Help Parishes Elevate the Liturgy

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How to Maximize the Parish Year of the Eucharistic Revival in Your Parish

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