Starting Soon: Online Course on the Introduction to the Sacred Liturgy
Jan 27, 2025

Starting Soon: Online Course on the Introduction to the Sacred Liturgy

Adoremus joins the Avila Institute in offering “Mystery and Mission in the Sacred Liturgy,” a series of four introductory courses on liturgical prayer and the sacraments, and taught by Adoremus Editor, Christopher Carstens.

The second of these four courses, Introduction to the Sacred Liturgy, follows the lead of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and considers how the Church celebrates the Christian Mystery—the plan of God to restore all things in Christ. Christ’s Paschal Mystery—his suffering, death, resurrection, and ascension—carried out in the flesh during his earthly life continues today in the Church’s sacred liturgy.

After seeing how the Trinity works in the liturgy, we will explore how its work is made present today through sacramental signs (such as objects, actions, language, music, etc.). It is by these signs that men and women of every age come face to face in a most powerful way with Jesus.

This six-week course meets live online Thursdays, 7:30–9:00 p.m. Eastern, from March 6 through April 10, 2025. Adoremus readers will receive a 25% discount and can take the course for $150.

Anyone interested in participating should apply at the Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation and enter the discount code ADOREMUS to waive the application fee. Once a participant has been accepted for the course, a representative from the Avila Institute will follow up by assisting in enrollment, which includes processing the 25% discount. Consider joining us! 

The Editors