Adoremus Bulletin Announces a New Land-Down-Under Edition
Mar 15, 2022

Adoremus Bulletin Announces a New Land-Down-Under Edition

Adoremus Bulletin is coming to Australia and New Zealand, and prospective subscribers can receive it free of charge until March 2023.

Adoremus has been blessed since its inception in 1995 to have readers across the English-speaking world, including Australia and New Zealand. Beginning in May 2022, the Bulletin will be printed and distributed directly from the continent thanks to local donors, current readers, and the Sydney-based Catholic media enterprise, Parousia.

For almost 30 years, Adoremus has fostered the sound formation of Catholic laity in matters relating to the Church’s worship, consistent with the Second Vatican Council and the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, and has aided Catholics (including priests and seminarians) with reliable information and encouragement about the Church’s mind and heart on all things liturgical.

In Adoremus’s mission, its editorial team and host of talented, thoughtful writers strive to bring the Catholic liturgy to its readers. We share Pope Benedict XVI’s excitement in raising up our readers to share ever more fully in the beauty and truth of Christ found at the heart of the liturgy. “What is exciting about Christian Liturgy is that it lifts us up out of our narrow sphere and lets us share in the Truth,” says Pope Benedict. “The aim of all liturgical renewal must be to bring to light this liberating greatness” (Feast of Faith, 75).

The mission of Adoremus is to rediscover and restore the beauty, the holiness, and the power of the Church’s rich liturgical tradition while remaining faithful to an organic, living process of renewal. Faithful to the magisterium, concerned with tradition, eager to open the liturgy’s mystery to the modern world, Adoremus is joyful, orthodox, and intelligent. Our hope is to respond to the interventions of Australia’s Plenary Council, through a lay endeavor, by being faithful to our mission and providing this resource to the people of Oceania.

When you sign up to receive Adoremus, you not only receive its full-color, 12-page print bulletin, published six times each year, but you also receive a monthly electronic newsletter, AB Insight. In addition, Adoremus offers podcasts and videos on its website,

If you would like to receive the Adoremus Bulletin for free from May 2022 until March 2023, email [email protected]; to make a donation, visit

Please join us in the work of ongoing liturgical renewal!

The Editors