The solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord will fall in 2022 on March 25 — a Friday during Lent.
It is quite clear that Catholics are ordinarily obliged to abstain from meat on Lenten Fridays, but they can eat meat that day, March 25, because of the solemnity.
But there is another Lenten solemnity raising questions this year: the Solemnity of St. Joseph, which falls on Saturday, March 19. Some Catholics have asked whether that solemnity means they can eat meat on, say, Friday night — after the liturgical Solemnity of St. Joseph has begun with first vespers.
Is that true? What does it even mean? Can I eat a burger during March Madness?
The Pillar cuts straight to the bone, to answer your meaty Lenten questions.
What are the usual rules about meat on Lenten Fridays?
Catholics 14 and older are obliged in the U.S. to abstain from meat on Fridays during Lent.
Eastern Catholics are obliged to follow the rules of their own Churches — but if you’re an eastern Catholic and you’re reading this explainer, you probably know your Church’s expectations. So, just understand this explainer will be for Latin Catholics. Sorry.
Ok, so I can eat meat on the Annunciation, Friday, March 25?
We’re very glad to announce that you can. Ha, ha, ha. Anyway…
Abstinence from meat is required in the U.S. during the Fridays of Lent, unless, as canon 1251 explains, “a solemnity should fall on a Friday.”
A solemnity is a feast of the highest order in the Church. The Annunciation is a solemnity, which celebrates the archangel Gabriel announcing to Mary that she would become the Mother of God
Therefore, you can eat meat on…
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