Dear Editor, “Marriage Law Revisited” is one excellent article, very well written. I look forward to the Part II. So much was covered, but I was especially impressed by Mr. Nguyen’s clear explanation of a natural marriage, and what the sacrament adds to that natural marriage. He left no doubt that a natural marriage is a real marriage (assuming the two parties understand and accept the properties of marriage as such.) So many people—plenty of them Catholics—seem to think that when a marriage does not take place in a Catholic church, it really is not a permanent union, and subsequent divorce and remarriage is moral. With that view—only Catholics are capable of marriage. And even those marriages can be written off by sneaky annulment tribunals. What a mess! This article will be helpful for the confused—don’t we hope! I treasure my copy. Thank you,
Charlotte Ellis
Santa Rosa, CA
To the editor: Can I suggest you put letters to the editor back in publication? Sure was helpful with Catholic apologetics.
James Schneider
via email
Adoremus replies: Your email is not the first time we have heard this request. Look forward to more readers’ letters, notes, and questions in the future. But we need your help: don’t hesitate to submit any questions and comments you may have.
Dear Adoremus, I am very grateful for the Adoremus Issues—the January one is most extraordinary with the Pope’s opening of the Holy Door of Mercy. My offering to you is my prayer that you will be able to continue enriching our minds and hearts with your extraordinary articles. Enjoyment for me, and I pass it along to others. Thank you,
Sister Blanche
Methuen, Mass.