Jul 15, 2015

Translation of Confirmation Rite Approved

The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has approved the new translation of the typical edition of the Order of Confirmation. May 15, Pentecost Sunday, 2016 is the first date on which the new text of the rite must be used, although it may be used prior to that date upon publication.

While the third edition of the Roman Missal in English stemmed both from the new third typical edition in Latin and the use of new liturgical principles as found in “Liturgiam authenticam,” the recently approved Rite of Confirmation is more properly a re-translation of the first revised rite.

The USCCB’s Committee on Divine Worship explains the translation, noting that “two key texts of the ritual have not changed in this new translation.

“The Bishop’s assent to the profession of faith remains as before: ‘This is our faith. This is the faith of the Church. We are proud to profess it in Christ Jesus our Lord’ (nos.23, 40). Likewise, the translators found no need to propose a modification of the text of the words used a the conferral of the Sacrament: ‘N., be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit’ (nos. 27, 44, 55-56).

“Most of the text, however, is noticeably distinct from that of the current translation. For example, many of the conventions and vocabulary of the Roman Missal will be quickly recognizable when reading the Confirmation ritual: ‘And with your spirit,’ ‘a suitable chant may be sung,’ ‘Bow down for the blessing,’ ‘the Universal Prayer,’ and so forth.

“In general, the new translations are more precise in their language and are closer to the style and content of the Latin typical edition. Even though the changes are not dramatic in most instances, there are some places where the changes are notable, beginning with the title: until now the Rite of Confirmation, the book is henceforth the Order of Confirmation” (April-May 2015 Newsletter).

The revised Order, as well as its implementation and use, will be the topic of entries among upcoming issues of the Adoremus Bulletin.

The Editors