Online Edition
June-July 2014
Vol. XX, No. 4
Table of Contents
Adoration of the Mystic Lamb – Ghent Altarpiece (1428) by Jan Van Eyck. Oil on wood. Center panel, predella. Cathedral of San Bavo, Ghent.
News and Views — Blessing of Bells at Church and Newman Center in Lincoln | Church of England Approves Women Bishops | New Web Resource for Chant Hymns | "Prayer and Worship" Section of USCCB Website updated | Saint John Paul II – Calendar Change
Ars celebrandi et adorandi: On the Art of Celebrating the Eucharistic Liturgy Properly and Adoring the Lord in the Eucharist Devoutly — by Bishop Thomas Paprocki
Clergy Seating Through the Centuries: The Origin of the Presider’s Chair – Part I — by Daniel DeGreve
Restoring Sacred Architecture to a Higher Plane – William Heyer works to draw faith communities heavenward. — by Trent Beattie
Readers’ Forum — Appropriate Music? | Antiphonary Cover | Churchmouse Speaks | Liturgical Postures | Priest, Deacon, and the Communion Rite | Interrupt Consecration for Explanations? | What to do with Ashes? | Grammar & Syntax Can Alter Meaning
Pope Francis, Corpus Christi 2014
What Does a Church Building Mean?— by Denis McNamara
By means of the Eucharistic Sacrifice, Christ our Lord willed to give the faithful a striking manifestation of our union among ourselves and with our divine Head, wonderful as it is and beyond all praise. For in this Sacrifice the sacred minister acts as the viceregent not only of our Savior but of the whole Mystical Body and of each one of the faithful.
In this act of Sacrifice through the hands of the priest, by whose word alone the Immaculate Lamb is present on the altar, the faithful themselves, united with him in prayer and desire, offer to the Eternal Father a most acceptable victim of praise and propitiation for the needs of the whole Church.
And as the Divine Redeemer, when dying on the Cross, offered Himself to the Eternal Father as Head of the whole human race, so “in this clean oblation” He offers to the heavenly Father not only Himself as Head of the Church, but in Himself His mystical members also, since He holds them all, even those who are weak and ailing, in His most loving Heart.
— Pope Pius XII
Mystici Corpus Christi 82
Feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, 1943
Adoremus, Society for the Renewal of the Sacred Liturgy