Online Edition:
March 2014
Vol. XX, No. 1
Table of Contents
Costello Annunciation – Sandro Botticelli (Uffizi Gallery, Florence)
Annunciation – March 25, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
For He has regarded the low estate of His handmaiden, for behold, henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.…”
Message for Lent 2014 from Pope Francis
News and Views — Pope’s Message for 50th Anniversary of Sacrosanctum Concilium | ICEL: Progress on New Translations | Liturgy Conference in Cork, Ireland | Sacred Music Inquiry | “All Eyes Are Upon You,” CDF Prefect Tells Ordinaries | CMAA Sacred Music Colloquium XXIV | Magnificat’s 15 Years
Liturgical Translations and Two Instructions in Perspective by Cardinal George Pell
Liturgiam authenticam on the use of vernacular languages in the publication of liturgical books
Day of Pardon – John Paul II, Angelus, Sunday, March 12, 2000
Readers’ Forum — Standing Troughout the Communion Rite | Music at Mass During Lent | Drama During Mass
Invitation: Good News from the Pews
Dear AB Readers,
How have you experienced renewal of the Sacred Liturgy in your parish? Is there increased adoration of the Blessed Sacrament? Improved art and architecture in your church? More prayerful music? Greater reverence in worship at Mass?
Many Catholics have seen remarkable (sometimes unexpected) improvements in the celebration of Mass in recent years. But many others may not know where to begin (we can’t afford a major church restoration"; "our tiny parish doesn’t even have an organist"; "our music is hopeless") — and would welcome some helpful ideas.
We warmly invite your success stories and "how we did it" accounts, whether from priests or parishioners or professionals. Concrete examples of how this change was achieved can inspire others who are working and praying for revitalized worship and authenic recovery of sacredness in the Church’s Liturgy — for bringing the truth and beauty of our faith to others is essential to Catholic evangelization.
Please let us hear from you. (No story is too short, and no improvement too small!)