Table of Contents
Apr 15, 2012

Table of Contents

Online Edition:
April 2012
Vol. XVIII, No. 2

Table of Contents

Burgos Cathedral, Spain. Main retable and altar of the Virgin Mary (1562-80 Rodrigo and Martin de la Haya; 1593-96, polychrome Diego de Urbina and Gregorio Martínez). The baroque altarpiece in the main chapel of the cathedral features sculptured scenes from the life of the Virgin Mary, surmounted by the Crucifix.. The prominence and size of the tabernacle at the back of the altar reflects the Church’s emphasis on the Holy Eucharist and the tabernacle during the counter-reformation. — Photo: © 2011 Alexandra Kassing

Important Notice to AB Readers

News and ViewsVerbum Domini Bible Exhibit in Rome | Ordinariates Adopt Calendar, Lectionary | Anglican Events | CDF Update on SSPX

Cardinal Canizares: Concelebration Concerns — Cardinal Cañizares, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (CDW), linked his observations on the practice of concelebration to a question by Pope Benedict XVI: “Why … if a thousand priests concelebrate, do we not yet know whether this structure was desired by the Lord?” — Excerpts from the cardinal’s address (as it appeared on Zenit news agency, March 6) follows.

Concelebration GuidelinesSacrosanctum Concilium 57-58 and Sacramentum Caritatis 61

To Sing the Mass — and Teach It, Musica Sacra Saint Louis Conference 2012 — by Susan Benofy

The Altar as the Center of the Church, Conclusion (Part II) — by Duncan Stroik

Pope Benedict to Clergy — The New Evangelization Begins in the Confessional

The Judgment of Conscience: Catechism of the Catholic Church – Part III, Section I, Chapter I "The dignity of the Human Person", Article 6 — excerpt from the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Readers Forum — Ordinariate Lectionary and Calendar | Let us Pray | Removing Statues During Lent? | Where to Place the Sanctuary Lamp | Drama — at Mass? | Biblical Origin of Idioms | Latin Breviary Readings

US Catholic Bishops Call for Prayer for Religious Liberty

Prayer for Religious Liberty


O God of unchanging power and eternal light,
look with favor on the wondrous mystery of the whole Church and serenely accomplish the work of human salvation,
which you planned from all eternity;
may the whole world know and see
that what was cast down is raised up,
what had become old is made new,
and all things are restored to integrity through Christ,
just as by Him they came into being.
Who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.

— Prayer after seventh reading at the Easter Vigil



The Editors