Feb 15, 2011

Cardinal Pell Study Text

Online Edition:
February 2011, Vol. XVI, No. 10

Vox Clara President, Cardinal Pell,
Sends Letter to Bishops on Study Text


In a letter dated January 1, 2011, Cardinal George Pell of Sydney, president of Vox Clara, addressed English-speaking prelates concerning the publication of the Study Text in a letter accompanying the book.


Your Eminence/Your Excellency:

With the granting of the recognitio to a new English-language translation of the Missale Romanum, editio typica tertia, the Bishops of the English-speaking world have achieved an important milestone in the realization of the vision of the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council, who urged us to the promotion of that full, conscious, and active participation in the liturgy which is demanded by its very nature (Cf. Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 14).

Such participation is possible only when the rich patrimony of Roman liturgical expression is rendered as “a flowing vernacular text suitable to the rhythm of popular prayer”, which has been “translated integrally and in the most exact manner” (Liturgiam authenticam, no. 20). Thanks to the extraordinary labors of Bishops and their collaborators across the English-speaking world, the Church now stands on the verge of implementing just such a text.

Yet, as the Council Fathers presciently reminded us, “it would be futile to entertain any hopes of realizing this unless the pastors themselves, in the first place, become thoroughly imbued with the spirit and power of the liturgy, and undertake to give instruction about it” (Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 14). This is why each one of us, bishops, priests, deacons, and lay faithful alike, must assiduously devote ourselves to the wonderful opportunities for liturgical, spiritual, and pastoral renewal provided by the occasion of the publication of this new Missal.

For this reason, the Vox Clara Committee has prepared the enclosed study text, which provides a tool by which a selection of the new texts might be studied in anticipation of the publication of the complete Roman Missal later this year. It is our hope that this text will assist you in your efforts to foster a deep love for the Roman Liturgy and to promote its celebration as the source and the summit of the entire Christian life.

Additional copies of the study text may be purchased…

With an assurance of prayers for the continuing works of liturgical renewal in your diocese and your country, I remain,

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Cardinal George Pell
Archbishop of Sydney

See: Vox Clara Publishes Roman Missal Study Text [February 2011]


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