Year of Eucharist Articles
Dec 31, 2007

Year of Eucharist Articles

Year of Eucharist Articles

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Adoremus, Society for the Renewal of the Sacred Liturgy


The Year of the Eucharist

October 2004-2005

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Articles – Past and Present on the Holy Eucharist
updated 2/21/2005  

Francis Cardinal Arinze
The Centrality of the Holy Eucharist in the Christian Life[March 2005 AB]
The Holy Eucharist Unites Heaven and Earth (Address at Eucharistic Congress in the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., on September, 25 2004)
The Reverence due to the Holy EucharistAB Vol. IX, No. 9: December 2003 – January 2004

Susan Benofy
The Rosary and Eucharistic AdorationAB Vol. V, No. 3: May 1999

Msgr. Peter Elliott
Where Should We Put the Tabernacle? – AB Jan 1998

Fr. Cassian Folsom, OSB
—- Sacred Signs and Active Participation at Mass – AB May-June 1998
—- From One Eucharistic Prayer to Many – How it Happened and Why – AB Nov 1996

Msgr. Romano Guardini
The Altar as Threshold – AB May 2000

Helen Hull Hitchcock
Encyclical on the Eucharist: Restore Doctrine, Piety, End Abuses – AB May 2003
—- Shades of the Seventies: "Wonder Bread" Masses – AB March 2002
"They have taken away my Lord and I know not where they have laid Him" – AB July-Aug 1999

Fr. Donald J. Keefe, SJ
The Reality of the Real Presence – AB March 2002

Msgr. James Moroney
Eucharistic Adoration in a Parish Setting – AB March 1998

Fr. Jerry Pokorsky
The Veil, the Chalice, and the Dignity of Man – AB February 1997

Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
—– The Altar and the Direction of Liturgical Prayer – AB May 2000
—– The Theology of Kneeling – AB November 2002

Fr. James Schall, SJ
A Jesuit Reflects on Ecclesia de Eucharistia – AB July-August 2004

Fr. Brian Van Hove, SJ
The Bread We Offer AB September 2004

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