Adoremus, Society for the Renewal of the Sacred Liturgy
ADOREMUS Celebrates
The Year of the Eucharist
October 2004-2005
US Dioceses and Bishops’ Statements –Articles – International & Organizations – Eucharistic Hymns – The Holy Eucharist Booklet – Prayers – Quotes
Main Page
Contents of The Year of the Eucharist Section
- Resources
- Papal Documents on the Eucharist
- Vatican Documents on the Eucharist
- Vatican: Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses
- Catechism of the Catholic Church
- USCCB Statements
- Diocesan Activities – Bishop Statements
- Organizations and International Activies
- Articles – Past and Present
NOTICE: To submit diocesan or parish events planned for the "Year of the Eucharist" E-mail or write to us, for posting on the Diocesan Activities section. Be sure to Include 1. name and brief description of the event, 2. Sponsor (organization, parish, etc), 3. dates, times 4. location 5. Diocese 6. Info contact.
This site will be updated regularly, and new material will be added.
The Holy Eucharist – Adoremus booklet for Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction — Recently revised!
The Adoremus Hymnal – Main page – links to details, Introduction, list of Hymns, etc.
Eucharistic Hymns – from The Adoremus Hymnal
The Real Presence Association — Site lists churches and chapels that have Eucharistic Adoration in the United States.
General Instruction of the Roman Missal (US adapted) on the USCCB website
Catechism of the Catholic Church Online on the Vatican web site.
Paragraphs 1322-1419
Visit the Catalog Page on the Adoremus website – includes how to order Adoremus items, prayer cards, novenas, and Adoremus-recommended books.
Papal Documents on the Eucharist
Pope Benedict XVI
Index to the Angelus Messages for 2005
Angelus Message – June 12, 2005 — The Year of the Eucharist continues.
Pastoral Visit of His Holiness Benedict XVI to Bari for the Closing of the 24th Italian National Eucharistic Congress, Homily of His Holiness Benedict XVI, Esplanade of Marisabella — Sunday, May 29, 2005
…"English translation by the Vatican Information Service of Pope Benedict XVI’s first message after his election, delivered in Latin at the end of an April 20 Mass with the College of Cardinals in the Sistine Chapel."
VATICAN CITY (CNS) April 20, 2005
Pope John Paul II
Letter of the Holy Father, John Paul II, to Priests for Holy Thursday 2005, March 13, 2005
Angelus Message, Second Sunday of Lent, Sunday, February 20, 2005
Catechesis of His Holiness John Paul II on the Eucharist — Talks from General Audiences between 1989 and 2000.
Altar of the Confessio of the Vatican Basilica, Sunday, October 17 2004
Mane Nobiscum Domine, Apostolic Letter for the Year of the Eucharist, October 2004 – October 2005 (October 7, 2004)
Homily Announcing the Year of the Eucharist – the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, June 10, 2004
Ecclesia de Eucharistia Encyclical Letter on the Eucharist (April 17, 2003)
Dies Domini – On Keeping the Lord’s Day (May 31,1998)
Dominicae Cenae – On the Mystery and Worship of the Eucharist (February 24, 1980)
Redemptor Hominis – Encyclical – (March 4, 1979)
Pope Paul VI
Saluberrimum Sacramentum Eucharistiae, On Worship of the Eucharist Outside Mass, January 10, 1969
Mysterium Fidei Encyclical on the Holy Eucharist (September 3, 1965)
Pope Pius XII
Mystici Corporis Christi – Encyclical on the Mystical Body of Christ (June 29, 1943)
Pope Leo XIII
Mirae Caritatis, Encyclical on the Holy Eucharist, May 28, 1902
Vatican Documents on the Eucharist
(Curial documents, statements; Vatican officials)
Link to Vatican Website:
October 2-23, 2005
Instrumentum laboris of the 11th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops (July 7, 2005) links to the Vatican Website
On the Eucharist and the Pastoral Care of Children –January 8, 2005, Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos, Prefect of the Congregation for Clergy.
Apostolic Penitentiary: "Urbis Et Orbis Dectretum", December 25, 2004
The Year of the Eucharist, Suggestions and Proposals October 15, 2004 – Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
"The Eucharist, Light and Life of the New Millennium" — 48th International Eucharistic Congress – October 10-17, 2004 –Archdiocese of Guadalajara
Cardinal Arinze – The Holy Eucharist Unites Heaven and Earth – Sept 25, 2004
Instruction Redemptionis Sacramentum, On certain matters to be observed or to be avoided regarding the Most Holy Eucharist – Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, March 25, 2004.
The Eucharist: Source and Summit of the Life and Mission of the Church- Lineamenta, Synod of Bishops, XI Ordinary General Assembly, February 25, 2004
Liturgiam authenticam On the use of Vernacular Languages in the Publication of the Books of the Roman Liturgy – Fifth Instruction for the Right Application of the Conciliar Constitution on the Liturgy, April 25, 2001 – Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments – released May 7, 2001)
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and Praying the Rosary – Congregation for Divine Worship (1998)
First communion and first confession, Congregation for the Clergy , December 7, 1980
Inaestimabile Donum Instruction Concerning Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery, April 17, 1980 – Congregation for the Sacraments and Divine Worship
Eucharisticum Mysterium – May 1967 – Congregation of Rites
Catechism of the Catholic Church – Eucharist (para. 1406-1419)
Note: Following is the Catechism passage describing the nature and meaning of the Eucharist. (Click HERE for the complete Catechism of the Catholic Church on the Vatican Website.)
1406 Jesus said: "I am the living bread that came down from heaven; if any one eats of this bread, he will live for ever; . . . he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and . . . abides in me, and I in him" ( Jn 6:51, 54, 56).
1407 The Eucharist is the heart and the summit of the Church’s life, for in it Christ associates his Church and all her members with his sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving offered once for all on the cross to his Father; by this sacrifice he pours out the graces of salvation on his Body which is the Church.
1408 The Eucharistic celebration always includes: the proclamation of the Word of God; thanksgiving to God the Father for all his benefits, above all the gift of his Son; the consecration of bread and wine; and participation in the liturgical banquet by receiving the Lord’s body and blood. These elements constitute one single act of worship.
1409 The Eucharist is the memorial of Christ’s Passover, that is, of the work of salvation accomplished by the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, a work made present by the liturgical action.
1410 It is Christ himself, the eternal high priest of the New Covenant who, acting through the ministry of the priests, offers the Eucharistic sacrifice. and it is the same Christ, really present under the species of bread and wine, who is the offering of the Eucharistic sacrifice.
1411 Only validly ordained priests can preside at the Eucharist and consecrate the bread and the wine so that they become the Body and Blood of the Lord.
1412 The essential signs of the Eucharistic sacrament are wheat bread and grape wine, on which the blessing of the Holy Spirit is invoked and the priest pronounces the words of consecration spoken by Jesus during the Last Supper: "This is my body which will be given up for you…. This is the cup of my blood…."
1413 By the consecration the transubstantiation of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ is brought about. Under the consecrated species of bread and wine Christ himself, living and glorious, is present in a true, real, and substantial manner: his Body and his Blood, with his soul and his divinity (cf. Council of Trent: DS 1640; 1651).
1414 As sacrifice, the Eucharist is also offered in reparation for the sins of the living and the dead and to obtain spiritual or temporal benefits from God.
1415 Anyone who desires to receive Christ in Eucharistic Communion must be in the state of grace. Anyone aware of having sinned mortally must not receive Communion without having received absolution in the sacrament of penance.
1416 Communion with the Body and Blood of Christ increases the communicant’s union with the Lord, forgives his venial sins, and preserves him from grave sins. Since receiving this sacrament strengthens the bonds of charity between the communicant and Christ, it also reinforces the unity of the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ.
1417 The Church warmly recommends that the faithful receive Holy Communion each time they participate in the celebration of the Eucharist; she obliges them to do so at least once a year.
1418 Because Christ himself is present in the sacrament of the altar, he is to be honored with the worship of adoration. "To visit the Blessed Sacrament is . . . a proof of gratitude, an expression of love, and a duty of adoration toward Christ our Lord" (Paul VI, MF 66).
1419 Having passed from this world to the Father, Christ gives us in the Eucharist the pledge of glory with him. Participation in the Holy Sacrifice identifies us with his Heart, sustains our strength along the pilgrimage of this life, makes us long for eternal life, and unites us even now to the Church in heaven, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and all the saints.
US Conference of Catholic Bishops Documents – Statements
- General Instruction of the Roman Missal on the USCCB website
USCCB Committee on the Liturgy – Year of the Eucharist Resource Page includes Papal, Vatican, and USCCB Documents and Statements