The Holy Eucharist articles
Dec 31, 2007

The Holy Eucharist articles

The Holy Eucharist articles

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Adoremus, Society for the Renewal of the Sacred Liturgy

The Holy Eucharist

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Articles on the Adoremus site:

October 2009 Issue of Adoremus – Vol. XV, No. 7

A Jesuit reflects on Ecclesia de Eucharistia — Some Seldom-Heard Thoughts on a Priest Saying Mass, by James V. Schall, SJVol X, No 5, July-August 2004

Back to the Future: Reviving Corpus Christi Processions, by Joanna Bogle, Vol XI, No. 5, July-August 2005

The Bread We Offer: Reflections on the significance of the bread we use for Mass — "Many Catholics have asked about the Church’s requirements for the bread intended for use at Mass.", by Helen Hull Hitchcock, Vol. X, No. 6, September 2004 

The Breaking of the Bread, by Francois Mauriac, Vol. IV, No. 1, February / March 1998

Cardinal Arinze Reflects on the Synod on the Eucharist by Helen Hull Hitchcock, Vol. XI, No. 10, February 2006

Cardinal Arinze: The Reverence Due to the Holy Eucharist — An address given by His Eminence, Francis Cardinal Arinze, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments on July 18, 2003 to "The Church Teaches Forum" convention in Louisville, KY., Vol IX, No 9, December 2003 – January 2004

The Centrality of the Holy Eucharist in the Christian Life — Address given February 7, 2005 at St. Peter the Apostle Church in Naples, Florida., by Cardinal Francis Arinze, Vol. XI, No. 1, March 2005

Christ’s Presence in the Eucharist, True, Real and Substantial, by Avery Cardinal Dulles, SJ , Vol. XI, No. 2, April 2005

Communion Bread and Celiac Disease — "Reports about people with celiac disease receiving Communion inspired a flurry of news stories in the United States and Australia this summer.", by Helen Hull Hitchcock, Vol. X, No. 6, September 2004

Communion by Intinction: A "New" Way of Receiving Communion in Both Kinds — Intinction may be unfamiliar – but would more Catholics receive the Precious Blood at Mass if this reverent method of administering it were used? Is it time to change our ways?, by Susan Benofy (Helen Hull Hitchcock contributed to this essay)  Vol. IX, No. 6, September 2003

The Discipline of the Eucharist: Holy See Releases Redemptionis Sacramentum, Norms for Celebration of Mass Instruction on Liturgy, called for in Ecclesia de Eucharistia, is presented at the Vatican on Saint George’s Day
By Helen Hull Hitchcock
  Vol X, No 2 & 3, April – May 2004

Dress, Demeanor, Discipline: Show how We Value Holy Mass, by Bishop Robert Vasa — Vol. VI, No. 8: November 2000 

Encyclical on the Eucharist:Restore Doctrine, Piety — End AbusesPope John Paul II’s 14th encyclical deplores "shadows"; stresses Mass as sacrifice; announces forthcoming disciplinary "precriptions" to overcome liturgical abuses….
By Helen Hull Hitchcock — Vol. IX, No. 3
, May 2003

Eucharistic AdorationDirectory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy excerpt on Eucharistic Adoration —  Vol. VIII, 6, September 2002

Eucharistic Adoration In A Parish Setting
by Father James Moroney Vol. 4, 1, February / March 1998

The Eucharist Sacrifice-Banquet of the New Covenant
by The Rev. Msgr. Anthony A. La Femina Vol. 7, 3, May 2001

The Eucharist: Sacrifice Banquet of the New Covenant — Icon and Explanation — by Msgr. Anthony La Femina Vol. XI, No. 6 September 2005

The Eucharistic Spirituality of the Church: Formation, Catechesis — and assessment of results — are essential for true liturgical reformby Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith, Vol. XII, No. 2, April 2006

The Footwashing — Jesus Christ Establishes the New Covenant Before Calvary — by The Rev. Msgr. Anthony A. LaFemina, Vol. XII, No. 1, March 2006

Him, Not Hymn: — Hymn-singing During Communion — by William Bentley Ball, Vol. 3, 6, September 1997

The Holy Eucharist Unites Heaven and Earth — Address at Eucharistic Congress in the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., on September, 25 2004 — by Francis Cardinal Arinze, Vol X, No 8, November 2004

Holy See: People May Kneel After They Receive Holy Communion: GIRM rules on posture of the faithful should not be"regulated so rigidly" — Vol. IX, No. 5, July-August 2003

In the Year of the Eucharist: A Personal Memoir — "We sometimes fail to understand how powerful the liturgy is in forming our understanding of the faith. We forget that actions do speak louder than words." — by Anthony CorvaiaVol. XI, No. 6, September 2005

Instrumentum Laboris for the Synod on the Eucharist — Excerpts from the working document for the Synodal Assembly in the Year of the Eucharist — Vol. XI, No. 7, October 2005

The Lamb’s Supper: Heaven on Earth — Book Review — Scott Hahn’s The Lamb’s Supper, The Mass as Heaven on Earth — by Matt Grantham, Vol. VII, 9
December 2001- January 2002

My First Year with the Eucharistby Carolyn FosterVol. XI, No. 3
May 2005

On Active Participation in the Liturgy  — Pope John Paul II’s ad limina address to US bishops – Vol. 4, 7, November 1998

On the Eucharist: Source and summit of the Life and mission of the Church — [2005 Synod of Bishops – Lineamenta] Holy See publishes Lineamenta, for 10th world Synod of Bishops; invites responses to questions — by Helen Hull Hitchcock — Vol X, No 4, June 2004

Questions and Answers on the Eucharist — The Pennsylvania Bishops — Vol. VII, No. 1, March 2001

The Real Presence: Center of Faith and WitnessPro-life leader explains why we must never "hide" the tabernacle, by John C. Willke, MD Vol. 5, 10, February 2000

The Reality of the Real Presence — by Donald J. Keefe, SJ — and an excerpt from Mysterium Fidei (Paul VI), The Physical Reality of Christ’s Body and Blood in the Eucharist, Vol. VIII, 1, March 2002

The Rosary and Eucharistic Adoration,  by Susan BenofyVol. 5, 3
May 1999

St. Louis Archbishop Promotes Eucharistic Adoration — Staff — Vol. 3, 9
December 1997 / January 1998

Shades of the Seventies: "Wonder Bread" Masses, "Real Food" vs "Real Presence"?; Illicit or Invalid?; Ecumenism, multiculturalism and theology. — by Helen Hull Hitchcock, Vol. VIII, 1, March 2002

Silence and the Sacred – Can we recover a sense of awe, of mystery at Mass? — Regaining intimacy-with-Our-Lord, a minute of silence — by Father Ralph Wright, OSB, Vol. VII, 9-10, December 2001- January 2002

Singing for the Supper or the Sacrifice? Liturgical Music and the Real Presence. — by Lucy E. Carroll — Vol VIII, No 8, November 2002

Teaching the Eucharist – Two MethodsThe following appears as a sidebar to What Have We Done to Our Children? How Catholic children became guinea-pigs for liturgical experiments — Part III of three-part series– Children’s Liturgies -Separate Tables — Vol. IX, No. 10, February 2004

The Veil, The Chalice, and the Dignity of Man: We Were Made to Receive Christby Father Jerry PokorskyVol. 2, 9, February 1997

Where Should We Put the Tabernacle? by Monsignor Peter Elliott Vol. 3, 9, December 1997 / January 1998

The Year of the Eucharist – Suggestions and Proposals — Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, only 3 chapters published in this issue the link is to the whole document. — [also see Year of the Eucharist Section for additional information for celebrating] — Vol X, No 9
December 2004 – January 2005

Articles on Other sites

The Eucharist: The Lord’s Most Precious Gift — Cardinal Edward Egan, Voices, Vol. XX No. 3 Christmas 2005 – Epiphany 2006

"I Am the Bread of Life", Monsignor Peter Magee, Voices, Vol XVIII, No 3, Michaelmas 2003

The REAL Presence, Voices Young Writers Award, Claire Cote, Voices, Vol XVIII, No 3, Michaelmas 2003

Source, Center and Summit ­ The Eucharist and Discernment of the Priestly Vocation — "As a seminarian for over four years now, I have come to see the magnitude of the interrelationship between the Eucharist and discernment of the priesthood…" — by Andrew V. Liaugminas, Voices, Vol. XVIII, No 2 Pentecost 2003

The Stripping of the Altarfrom Holy Thursday, Francois Mauriac, Voices, Vol. XVII, No. 1, Lent/Easter 2002

Teaching Children to Adore Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament — Carol Anne Jones, Vol XX, No 2, Michaelmas 2005

To First Communicants — Pope Benedict XVI, Voices, Vol. XX No. 3
Christmas 2005 – Epiphany 2006


Father James V. Schall, SJ

The Rev. James V. Schall, SJ, (1928-2019) taught government at the University of San Francisco and Georgetown University until his retirement in 2012. Besides being a regular Crisis columnist since 1983, Fr. Schall wrote nearly 50 books and countless articles for magazines and newspapers.