Online Edition – Vol. VII, No. 4: June 2001
Table of Contents
The Holy See’s Instruction on Translation: A "New Era" in the Renewal of the Liturgy
by Helen Hull Hitchcock
Pope John Paul II On translation: integrity, beauty
The Holy Father speaks on the subject of liturgical translation, authenticity.
Responses to Liturgiam authenticam
What are people saying about the new Instruction on translation? Quotes from press accounts.
Liturgiam authenticam — on the use of Vernacular Languages in the Pubication of the Books of the Roman Liturgy
Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (Issued May 7, 2001)
ICEL Psalter’s "excellence" proved by Vatican censure, Scripture scholar says — New GIRM is not "Roman retrenchment", says liturgist — European Feminists: Liturgiam Authenticam will drive women from the Church — Sixth Extraordinary Consistory — Meetings – Conferences
Veni Creator Spiritus — Come, Holy Ghost
Text in Latin and English of Pentecost sequence hymn