"Domus Dei" now "Built of Living Stones"
Dec 31, 2007

"Domus Dei" now "Built of Living Stones"

"Domus Dei" now "Built of Living Stones"

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Adoremus, Society for the Renewal of the Sacred Liturgy

Vol. VI, No. 6-7: September / October 2000

"Domus Dei"

now "Built of Living Stones"

Reporting on the new version of the architecture document to be presented to the US bishops for debate and vote in November, the BCL Newsletter states that "the most notable revision in chapter two is the discussion on the place of reservation for the Blessed Sacrament. The current text reflects the provisions and language of the revised Institutio Generalis, which gives the diocesan bishop primary responsibility for the decision about the placement of the tabernacle. In the new Institutio there are two possible locations for the tabernacle: 1) within the body of the church (but not on the altar of sacrifice) or 2) in a separate chapel".

But on June 25, Archbishop Marcel Gervais of Ottawa, Canada, issued restrictive directives on the placement of tabernacles which decreed, in part:

5. In all churches built since 1970, the tabernacle may not be reserved on any altar in the body of the church (GIRM 267). The tabernacle, if in the sanctuary, should not be in the centre but placed to one side and positioned in a wall niche or on a pillar.

6. All new churches to be built henceforth must have a Blessed Sacrament chapel, separated from the body of the church but accessible from the side or front of the church.

(See related story, O Canada)


The Editors