Adoremus, Society for the Renewal of the Sacred Liturgy
Article Index
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All main articles published in Adoremus Bulletin are listed, in alphabetical order by title. If the article is available online, you can click on the link to view the material. You may use the "Search" link to find a particular author, (Volume numbers turn over in March of each year.) If an article is not available online, you may request a copy of the issue in which it appeared (e-mail). Please include the title of the article, author and volume number. (Some issues are no longer available.) Due to the number of articles online we have broken down the Article Index Page, click below on the part of the alphabet you want to search.
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The Lamb’s Supper: Heaven on Earth
Book Review — Scott Hahn’s The Lamb’s Supper, The Mass as Heaven on Earth
by Matt Grantham, Vol. VII, 9, December 2001-January 2002
The Lamb’s Supper: Taste and See (and Hear and Touch) the Gospel — by Scott Hahn, Vol XVI, No. 7, October 2010
"A Language by its Nature Universal, Immutable, Non-vernacular", Thoughts about teaching Latin today in a theological institute, by Andrei Gotia, Vol. XI, No. 3, May 2005
Language in the Roman Rite Liturgy: Latin and Vernacular — Keynote address at Gateway Liturgical Conference – Cardinal Arinze, Vol. XII, No. 9, December 2006 – January 2007
The Languages of Biblical Translation — by Father Paul Mankowski, SJ, Vol. XIII, No. 4, June 2007
The Languages of Biblical Translation — by Father Paul Mankowski, SJ, Vol. XIII, No. 4, June 2007
The Language of the Liturgy: The Value of the New Translations — A conscious effort is being made to suit the human word of the divine action — by Bishop Arthur Serratelli, Vol. XIV, No. 5, July-August 2008
Last Things, "The care with which we bury the dead", by Bishop Raymond Burke, Vol. VII, No. 2: April 2001
Latin Days are Here Again? — Pope Benedict wants to revive the Latin Mass in Roman Catholic Worship. But what exactly does that mean? — by George Weigel, Vol. XIV, No. 5, July-August 2008
Lay preaching okayed, but the homily belongs to the priests, Vol. VIII, No. 3, May 2002
Leading Benedictine Liturgist dies at 93 — Father Godfrey Diekmann influenced post-conciliar liturgical reform, by Helen Hull Hitchcock, Vol. VIII, 2, April 2002
Learning the Language of Church Architecture by Helen Hull Hitchcock, Book review of How to Read Churches: A Crash Course in Ecclesiastical Architecture by Denis R. McNamara, Vol. XVIII, No. 1, March 2012
Lectionary Volume II approved – new books to appear next year, Vol. VII, 7, October 2001
The Legacy of Pope Benedict XVI – Continuity: Sacred Liturgy, and the New Evangelization — by Helen Hull Hitchcock, Vol. XIX, No. 2, April 2013
Lent and Easter Page – Resources for the Lent and Easter Season, Online only
Lent is not too early to plan for Advent — Planning for a Festival of Catholic Culture , by Joanna Bogle, Vol. X, No. 10, February 2005
Lenten Prayer, Vol. XX, No. 1, March 2014
Let Freedom RING! — What do ringing bells mean to us?, by Rev. Mr. Roger Marks, Vol VIII, No 10, February 2003
Letter from the Holy See to American Bishops — Communion in the Hand, Letter dated April 13, 1985 from the Congregation for Divine Worship to the National Conference of Catholic Bishop, Vol. VII, 8, November 2001
Letter of clarification on Altar Servers, Congregation for Divine Worship, July 27, 2001, Vol. VII, 10 , February 2002
Letter of Pope John Paul II to Cardinal Francis Arinze, On the Occasion of the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, March 3, 2005, Vol. XI, No. 2, April 2005
Letter on "American Adaptations, Congregation for Divine Worship’s observations, suggestions to US Bishops on proposed adaptations of the Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani, Letter from Jorge A. Card, Medina Estevez, Vol. VII, 9, December 2001- January 2002
Letter on the Posture of the People During Mass, Vol. VI, No. 9, Dec 2000-Jan 2001
Letter on the position of the priest during the Eucharistic Liturgy, Vol.VI, No. 9, Dec 2000-Jan 2001
Letter on the Translation of "Pro Multis", Vol. XII, No. 9, December 2006 – January 2007
Letter to Adoremus from Bishop P.J. Cullinane, New Zealand Representative to the ICEL Episcopal Board, Vol. VII, 10 , February 2002
Letter to Artists Addresses Place and Significance of Art, Excerpts from Pope John Paul II’s Letter to Artists, Vol. 5, 5, July/August 1999
Letter to Readers, Vol XV, No 2, April 2009
The Lifting up of Jesus: In the course of this past Lent, the Paschal Triduum and the subsequent Easter Season (2010), I have pondered the biblical image of the “lifting up” of Jesus. The Gospel of John, frequently proclaimed in the liturgy during these seasons, provides the biblical basis for this ego eimi (Greek: I Am) image. — by Thomas G. Weinandy, OFM, Cap., Vol XVI, No. 4, June 2010
The Light of Faith and the Eucharist, Lumen Fidei §44, June 29, 2013 by Pope Francis , Vol. XX, No. 2, April 2014
Lineamenta for the Synod on the Eucharist – The Eucharist: Source and Summit of the Life and Mission of the Church — Pope Benedict XVI has announced that the dates for the Synod on the Eucharist will be October 2-23….The Lineamenta…provide an excellent resource for all Catholics for study and deepening our understanding of the Church’s teaching on the Eucharist… , Vol XI,No.4, June 2005 and Vol XI, No. 5, July August 2005
Lineamenta Presented for 2008 Synod — Twelfth World Synod of Bishops: "The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church", Vol. XIII, No. 3
May 2007
Liturgical Abuse: A Question of Fatherhood, by Father Jerry Pokorsky, Vol. 5, 3, May 1999
Liturgical Landmark: The New English Missal, Will dissent disrupt reception of the new translation? — by Helen Hull Hitchcock, Vol XVI, No. 5, July-August 2010
Liturgical Law: The Last Labyrinth. Complexities of Law Should Not Stop Our Striving, by Edward Peters, Vol. 2, 5, September 1996
Liturgical Norms and Liturgical Piety, by Cardinal Francis Arinze, Vol. XI, No. 3, May 2005
Liturgical Reform — Tradition and Progress: The Pontifical Liturgical Institute’s Fifty Years — by Helen Hull Hitchcock, Vol. XVII, No. 4, June-July 2011
The Liturgical Revolution — "Change" was the only word that liturgists heard: Confusion was the result: The first chapter of Recovery of the Sacred. An analysis of the liturgical reform following the Second Vatican Council, originally published in 1974, remains both pertinent and timely — by James Hitchcock, Vol. XV, No. 8, November 2009
Liturgical Roles and Responsibilities — Bishop Serratelli Keynotes Society for Catholic Liturgy 2010 Conference — by Daniel G. Van Slyke, Vol. XVI, No. 1, March 2010
Liturgical Translation: A Question of Truth — by Bishop Peter J. Elliot, Vol. XIII, No. 4, June 2007
Liturgical Translations and Two Instructions in Perspective by Cardinal George Pell, Vol. XX, No. 1, March 2014
Liturgical Translation Update: US Bishops to Expedite Missal Approval; Postpone Lectionary Review — by Helen Hull Hitchcock, Vol XV, No 2, April 2009Liturgists Plan Your Future: ‘New Year’s Resolutions’ of the FDLC, Staff, Vol. 1, 4, February 1996
Liturgical Latin Reconsidered — Did the Council foresee the different kinds of comprehension required for inspirational liturgy…?, by Joseph P. Swain, Vol. IX, No. 3, May 2003
Liturgical Movements: NCCW Convention’s Closing Liturgy Causes Confusion, by Richard Hough, Vol. 1, 1, November 1995
Liturgiam authenticam on the use of vernacular languages in the publication of liturgical books, Vol. XX, No. 1, March 2014
"Liturgy and Asceticism" Draws Scholars’ Reflection – by Daniel G. Van Slyke, Vol. XVIII, No. 1, March 2012
The Liturgy and "Unbridled Capitalism", What has liturgy to do with the pursuit of profit? Should the market govern Catholic worship?, Vol VIII, No 8
November 2002
Liturgy Commission Plagued by Pederasty Problems – FDLC Director is second official in a year to be charged, by Helen Hull Hitchcock, Vol.VIII, No.4, June 2002Liturgy Congress in Africa,
Letter from Cardinal Arinze, Report on Congress , Vol. XII, No. 7, October 2006
The Liturgy and Contemplation: Loss of Symbols Impedes Contemplation of the Sacred, by Father Max Thurian, Vol. 2, 5, September 1996
Liturgy and Ritual by James Hitchcock – Keynote address at Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Convention, Vol. XII, No. 9, December 2006 – January 2007
The Liturgy and the Christian Language: Sacred language, symbol, deeply rooted in Christian culture — by Father Douglas Martis, Vol. XVII, No. 1, March 2011
Liturgy and the Splendor of Truth, from the Spirit of the Liturgy — by Father Romano Guardini — An excerpt from Father Romano Guardini’s book The Spirit of the Liturgy, originally published in German in 1918., Vol XVI, No. 5, July-August 2010
Liturgy – the Splendor of Truth, the Soul of Christian Life – Pope Benedict XVI, November 4th Message, Vol XVI, No. 9, December 2010 – January 2011
Liturgy and Sacred Music by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI, Vol. XIV, No. 2, April 2008
Liturgy is Central at Mount St. Mary’s, by Father John DeCelles, Vol. 5, 6, September 1999
Liturgy Forum Launched in Oxford, Liturgical Reform Movement Spreads to Great Britain, by Stratford and Leonie Caldecott, Vol. 2, 7, November 1996
Liturgy Highlights 2000-2002 – Timeline of Liturgical Highlights from July 27, 2000 – Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani [IGMR] to June 2002 – Bishops’ meeting in Dallas. Vol.VIII, No. 5, July/August 2002
Liturgy, Laity, and the Sacramental Sense by Russell Shaw, Vol. XIV, No. 2, April 2008
Liturgy Occupies Bishops at Spring Meeting: Massive ICEL Revisions Near ‘End of Beginning’, by Helen Hull Hitchcock, Vol. II, No. 4, July/August 1996
The Liturgy of Saints in the Liturgy: About Adding Names of Saints and Blesseds — by Father William Fitzgerald, O. Praem., Vol. XIV, No. 8, November 2008
Liturgy Secretariat Clarifies Status of Scripture Translations: Controversial Revisions, Vol. II, No. 7, November 1996
Liturgy Speaks God’s Word, Not Ours (Part I of II), by Jeremy Driscoll, O.S.B., Vol. IV, No. 7, November 1998
Liturgy Speaks God’s Word, Not Ours (Part II of II), by Jeremy Driscoll, O.S.B., Vol. IV, No. 8, December 1998/ January 1999
Liturgy, the Living Heart of Catholic Tradition, Vol. IX, No 2, April 2003
Liturgy: the Unity of Word and Love — by Bishop Arthur Serratelli, Vol. XVII, No. 2, April 2011
Liturgy Update, New Latin Texts for Jubilee; Scattering Ashes Not Approved; Ascension Can Be Moved, Vol. V, No. 6, September 1999
Liturgy Update, New Instructions, Guidelines planned; progress report on ICEL reform – Helen Hull Hitchcock, Vol. VI, No. 3, May 2000
The Living Liturgy:A Gift from Heaven — Excerpt on the Liturgy from "God in the World" Cardinal Ratzinger, Vol. X, No. 4, June 2004
A Living Presence… Symposium on the Development of Catholic Church Architecture: For the first time, two major Catholic universities, The Catholic University of America and The University of Notre Dame, collaborated in presenting a symposium on Catholic church architecture. “A Living Presence: Extending and Transforming the Tradition of Catholic Sacred Architecture” was held at The Catholic University of America (CUA) School of Architecture and Planning on April 30 and May 1. — by Michael Patrick, Vol XVI, No. 4.
June 2010
The Long View of Short Breviaries: What Does it Mean If a Text is Not Approved for Use?, Susan Benofy and Helen Hull Hitchcock, Vol. II, No. 2, April 1996
Look, Ma No Planner!, What the experts can’t tell you about planning a liturgy, Vol. VII, No. 2, April 2001
Looking at the Liturgy, (review of Fr. Aidan Nichols’ "Looking at the Liturgy"), by Father Paul Scalia, Vol. III, No. 4, June 1997
Looking Forward – How will the Church withstand coming changes and challenges? — by Helen Hull Hitchcock, Vol. XX, No. 6, September 2014
Los Angeles Liturgist Scolds Adoremus – But Uses Defective Bible Text for Music, by Helen Hull Hitchcock, Vol. IV, No. 3, May/June 1998
Magnificat (Review), by Helen Hull Hitchcock, Vol. V, No. 1, March 1999
Magnificent Music in Milan — Cathedral Choir Celebrates Sixth Centenary with Concert Series —Comments by Sandro Magister www.chiesa, Virtually a Festival of Great Sacred Music in the Duomo, by Paolo Isotta, Vol. IX, No 6, September 2003
Making the Case for "Consubstantial" — by Russell Shaw, Vol XVI, No. 8, November 2010
The Making of the Missal, ICEL Director explains the New Roman Missal at Christendom College, Vol. XVII, No. 7, October 2011
Pope John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter, Mane Nobiscum Domine — "Stay with us, Lord", October 7, 2004, Vol X, No 7, October 2004
Mass and the Centuries – Pilgrimage Connects Past and Present — by Joanna Bogle, Vol XVIII, No. 7, October 2012
The Mass as a Model for Meditation, by Father Jerry Pokorsky, Vol. IV, No. 9, February 1999
The Mass Finds its Voice — by Carol Zaleski, Vol XVII, No 6, September 2011
Mass Marketing Mass, Can we compete with “megachurches”?, by Fr. John Valencheck, Vol. XII, No. 7, October 2006
The Mass: Sacrifice and Real Presence by Joanne Bogle, October 2013, XIX, No. 7
Book Review: Massive Misunderstandings? The Mixed Legacy of the Vatican II Liturgical Reforms by Kenneth D. Whitehead, reviewed by Helen Hull Hitchcock, Vol. XV, No. 6, September 2009
Mater, Si. Magistra, Si.: A Response to the Latin Liturgy Assocation, by Father Jerry Pokorsky, Vol. II, No. 1, March 1996
Matter matters, Our Most Dangerous Heresies May be the Most Purely Spiritual, by Irene Colligan Groot, Vol. II, No. 3, May/June 1996
Matter — The Vessles of God’s Action upon Us — by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger — “Matter” is the final section of the last chapter of Cardinal Ratzinger’s foundational book, The Spirit of the Liturgy (2000, Ignatius Press)., Vol XVI, No. 5, July-August 2010
May Instituted Acolytes fill Chalices at the Altar?, Vol. XII, No. 8
November 2006
The Meaning of the Ascension — Pope Francis – Catechesis on the Creed, Vol. XIX, No. 3, May 2013
Meeting House or Church: The Hermeneutics of Discontinuity and Reform — by Denis McNamara, Vol. XV, No. 6, September 2009
Memento Mori: Remembrance of the Dead — by Daniel Mitsui, November 2013, XIX, No. 8
Memorial to Clavert Shenk — Mr. Shenk worked on the Adoremus Hymnal, he died July 9, 2005, Vol. XI, No. 6, September 2005Memories of Iconoclasm at Ely Cathedral, by Lynnette Burrows, Vol. IV, No. 9, February 1999
Message of His Holiness Benedict XVI for Lent 2010 — "The Justice of God has been manifested through faith in Jesus Christ", October 30, 2009, Vol. XVI, No. 1, March 2010
Message for Lent 2014 from Pope Francis, Vol. XX, No. 1, March 2014
Message to the People of God: XII Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, Vol. XIV, No. 9, December 2008 – January 2009
Milwaukee: Cathedral of Saint John reopens after controversial renovation
by Helen Hull Hitchcock, Vol. VIII, No. 1, March 2002
The Ministerial Priesthood Explanation of Icon – Prayer for Priest at the end., by Monsignor Anthony A. LaFemina, Vol. VIII, No. 3 May 2002
Misericordia Dei : Intervention by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect – Misericordia Dei, the Holy Father’s recent apostolic letter on confession, was published in the June issue of Adoremus Bulletin. This is the introduction and explanatory note given by Cardinal Ratzinger, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, at the presentation of Misericordia Dei on May 2, 2002., Vol.VIII, No 5, July/August 2002
The Missal in English — Change & Hope, English Speaking countries prepare for new texts for Mass — Helen Hull Hitchcock, Vol XVI, No. 7, October 2010
Missal Translation Timeline, Vol XV, No 2, April 2009A Moderate Proposal?, (Book Review of "A Liturgist’s Guide to Inclusive Language") by Helen Hull Hitchcock, Vol. III, No. 6, September 1997
Monsignor Richard Schuler— December 30, 1020 – April 20, 2007– Church loses Sacred Music Champion, Vol. XIII, No. 3, May 2007
More Strong Teaching from Holy See, by Helen Hull Hitchcock, Vol. IV, No. 6, October 1998
"More than the liberty of a translator", Thomas Cranmer on liturgical translation, Staff, Vol. V, No. 8, November 1999Ms. Guided Missal?, Staff, Vol. III, No. 4, June 1997
Music at the Cathedral of Regensburg": Must "Active Participation" Exclude Listening?*, (*See "In The Presence of Angels I will Sing Your Praises, above), by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Vol. II, No. 8, December 1996
Music at the Monastery – by Lucy Carroll, DMA — Music at our monastery reflects the serious and somber nature of those days., Vol. X, No. 1, March 2004
Music at the Monastery: Christmas Eve by Lucy Carroll, Vol. XII, No. 9, December 2006 – January 2007
Music and Liturgy – How does music express the Word of God, the Vision of God?, Chapter from the Spirit and the Liturgy, by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Vol. VII, No. 8, November 2001
Music and Liturgy – How does music express the Word of God, the Vision of God?, Chapter from the Spirit and the Liturgy, by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Vol. VII, No. 8, November 2001
Music for Catholic Funerals — or, But Uncle Horace Loved that Song! — by Lucy E. Carroll, Vol. XII, No. 6, September 2006
Music, Poetry, Liturgy — and Their Silences — by Donald DeMarco, Vol. XVIII, No. 9, December 2012-January 2013
Music through the Ages – What history can teach us about sacred music today – Book Review of Catholic Music through the Ages: Balancing the Needs of a Worshipping Chruch (by Edward Schaefer, Chicago: Hillenbrand Books, 2008) — by Susan Benofy, Vol. XV, No. 4, June-July 2009
Musica Sacra – St. Louis Conference Signals Growing Interest in Chant – by Susan Benofy, Vol. XVII, No. 2, April 2011
CMAA Colloquium XXI — The Musical Language of the American Church — by Arlene Oost-Zinner, Vol. XVII, No. 5, August 2011
A Musical Shock, Allen Brings, Vol. VII, No. 6, September 2001Musicians in Catholic Worship: Part I — Banish the Soloists — Let the People Sing — "Musicans fulfill an important and necessary function in the sacred liturgy. But whether fully trained professionals or ardent amateurs, all must remember that the purpose of the music is to implement the liturgy, not to entertain the faithful or glorify themselves.", by Lucy E. Carroll, Vol. IX, No. 5, July-August 2003
Musicians in Catholic Worship: Part II Where Have All the Organists Gone?, by Lucy E. Carroll, Vol. IX, No 6, September 2003
Musicians in Catholic Worship: Part III Bells and Whistles, Guitars and Tambourines, This is the third of a three part series., by Lucy E. Carroll, Vol. IX, No. 7, October 2003
My First Year with the Eucharist, by Carolyn Foster, Vol. XI, No. 3, May 2005
"My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?" — Pope Benedict XVI, Wednesday Audience, February 6, 2012, Vol. XIX, No. 1., March 2013
Mysterium Fidei – Pope Paul VI, On the Holy Eucharist, Church DocumentsThe Mystery of Faith Made Present — Archbishop Alfred Hughes on the New Missal Translation, Vol XVI, No. 6, September 2010
Mystery of the Swiss Synod Eucharistic Prayer: Ambiguities and Theological Questions, by Father Jerry Pokorsky and Helen Hull Hitchcock, Vol. III, No. 2, April 1997
Mystery of the Word – Excerpt from Msgr. Romano Guardini’s book, Meditations before Mass. Published by Sophia Institute Press., Vol. VIII, No 8, November 2002
The Myth of the Domus Ecclesiae — and how this has inluenced modern Church architecture — by Steven J. Schloeder, Vol XVIII, No. 5, August 2012
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