Adoremus, Society for the Renewal of the Sacred Liturgy
from Adoremus Bulletin Vol. VII, No. 1 – March 2001
Actions of the Holy See on Liturgy and Sacred Music – 1903-1974
November 22, 1903 – Tra le Sollecitudini (motu proprio) Pope Saint Pius X
December 20, 1928 – Divini Cultus (Apostolic Constitution) Pope Pius XI
June 29, 1943 – Mystici Corporis (Encyclical) Pope Pius XII
November 30, 1947 – Mediator Dei (Encyclical) Pope Pius XII
May 28, 1948 – Pope Pius XII creates Commission for Liturgical Reform.
Easter 1951 – Easter Vigil restored by Pope Pius XII
November 16, 1955 – Maxima Redemptiones (Holy Week) Pope Pius XII
December 25, 1955 – Musicae Sacrae Disciplina (Encyclical) Pope Pius XII
September 3, 1958 – Feast of Saint Pius X – Instruction on Sacred Music and Sacred Liturgy Congregation for Rites (De musica sacra et sacra liturgia)
January 25, 1959 – Pope John XXIII announces Second Vatican Council
December 4, 1963 – Sacrosanctum Concilium Second Vatican Council (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy)
January 25, 1964 – Sacram Liturgiam (Motu Proprio) Pope Paul VI
September 26, 1964 – Inter oecumenici (Instruction I on Constitution on Liturgy) Sacred Congregation for Rites
March 5, 1967 – Musicam Sacram (Instruction on Music) Congregation for Rites
May 4, 1967 – Tres abhinc annos (Instruction II on Constitution on Liturgy) Sacred Congregation for Rites
March 26, 1970 – Roman Missal, General Instruction for the Roman Missal – Pope Paul VI (Text of 4th edition, March 27, 1975)
September 5, 1970 – Liturgicae instaurationes (Instruction III on Constitution on Liturgy) Congregation for Divine Worship
April 1974 – Letter to the Bishops on the Minimum Repertoire of Plainchant
Congregation for Divine Worship