Sep 15, 2005


Online Edition – September 2005

Vol. XI, No. 6

Dear AB Reader —

Could this be your last issue?

We sincerely hope not!

We don’t want to lose anyone who finds Adoremus helpful — and we cannot afford to continue sending AB to those who do not.

Two years ago, we began to print the date we received your last donation on the mailing label, just above your name — as a reminder. We did this because some people told us that they didn’t realize they hadn’t donated in two, three, or four years, but were still receiving every issue of the Adoremus Bulletin. This notice (and our reminders in AB to check your mailing label) has helped. And yet…

A recent check of our database indicates that only 50% of our members have donated to Adoremus in the last 12 months. (That does not include bishops, seminarians, or others who get complimentary copies.)

We are very grateful to the other half of our members who do make donations regularly. Some of you even make monthly donations! These generous people are keeping the Adoremus Bulletin in print! (And they are also supporting the non-donors.)

As you know Adoremus is not simply a publication (though the AB is our most tangible work). Our “subscribers” are also part of a movement to improve the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy. Adoremus’s research and reporting, reflected in articles in the print and web editions of the Adoremus Bulletin, along with documents and other information our web site provides, is an unmatched resource, and, we believe, a unique contribution to the “new era of liturgical renewal” we all hope, work — and pray — for.

We have distributed more than 90,000 copies of our booklet for Eucharistic adoration, and a new, expanded edition is now available.

You may recall that we recently hired a fourth full-time employee and moved into our first real office (before that, we were in the basement of a private house). This has made it possible to consolidate our operations (including our mailing lists, bookkeeping, etc.) and to have room for our ever-expanding research library, records, and files.

But our expenses have also increased, of course. We need an increase in donations of about 15% each month in order to meet our expenses. Your donations (which are tax-deductible) are our only source of income — no large foundation or other organization is supporting Adoremus.

We have given this a lot of thought, and have reluctantly decided we must increase the annual requested donation from $25 to $30 (the first increase in nearly seven years!) — and we’ve also concluded that we can no longer keep sending the Adoremus Bulletin to those on our mailing list who have not made a donation for more than a year.

So we are asking you — again — for help.

Please check your mailing label!

1. If the label shows no donation since 2002, this is your last issue of the Adoremus Bulletin. If you believe there is a mistake, or there is an error on the label, please contact us right away, so you won’t miss an issue.

2. If your last donation was in 2003 please make a donation now. If you have any questions about your membership, about making gifts to Adoremus, or to request envelopes to make monthly donations, please contact us. Note: If you want to receive AB but cannot afford an annual donation of $30, it is important that you let us know. Even a smaller donation will help us very much, and keep you on our active list.

3. PLEASE PRAY FOR US — especially that all the work of Adoremus may be truly helpful to the Church and her mission, and that all who can benefit from our efforts will learn about it.

Thank you very much.

Sincerely in Christ,



The Editors