Online Edition – June 2005 Vol. XI, No. 4
Tenth Anniversary Edition
News & Views
BCL Proposes Missal Modifications | ICEL Sends New Missal Draft to Bishops-on CD | Pope Benedict Confirms Dates, Officials, for Synod on Eucharist | WYD “Traditionalist” Events
BCL Proposes Missal Modifications
Changes and additions to the text of the new edition of the Roman Missal proposed by the Bishops’ Committee on the Liturgy (BCL) are scheduled for discussion and vote by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops at their June meeting in Chicago June 16-18.
The BCL proposes adding several “alternate texts” that had been composed by ICEL (the International Commission on English in the Liturgy) in the early 1970s and incorporated into the 1973/74 English-language edition of the Missal (or “Sacramentary”), the version still in use until an English translation of the new Roman Missal is approved. ICEL is not permitted to initiate “original texts” for Mass, but national bishops’ conferences may propose changes. A 2/3 majority vote of bishops is required, as well as recognitio (approval) by the Holy See, before any changes can take effect.
The proposed modifications were summarized in the BCL Newsletter, March-April 2005, which also reported that at the March BCL meeting “it was suggested that there would be consternation and confusion” if the ICEL additions and changes were not perpetuated in the new Missal.
The modifications to be voted on at the June meeting include:
1. Moving the Asperges (“Rite of Sprinkling”) from an appendix to first place among alternative forms for the Act of Penitence (“Penitential Rite”)
2. Authorizing the priest-celebrant to substitute his own words for some introductory texts
3. Providing four alternatives for the priest’s introduction to the Lord’s Prayer
4. Adding an ICEL “original text” to the three alternatives for the Memorial Acclamations given in the Missal (“Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again”: though in common use, this is not a translation of any authorized texts.)
5. Supplying two alternatives for the prayer of dismissal
The BCL Newsletter article did not cite reasons why the BCL members consider these substantial changes to the new edition of the Roman Missal necessary. However, some individuals and liturgical groups have publicly objected to the principles of Liturgiam authenticam that require adherence to the original structure of the Latin liturgical books and an accurate and thorough translation of the original Latin texts. (For more on this subject, see Adoremus web site, Translation section, and “New Lectionary Review”, p 3.)
The BCL chairman, Bishop Donald Trautman, of Erie, an advocate of “inclusive” language, published a strong critique of Liturgiam authenticam, “The Quest for Authentic Liturgy” in America magazine, October 22, 2001. Bishop Trautman’s critique occasioned a response by Cardinal Jorge Medina Estévez, then-prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship.
In an earlier America article, “ICEL and Rome” (March 4, 2000), Bishop Trautman decried “Vatican interference” in translation, and objected to curbing ICEL’s production of original texts, arguing that ICEL’s original prayers are needed to “respond to pastoral needs that are not addressed in the Latin editions of liturgical books”.
The bishop began his second term as BCL chairman in November 2004. He had been chairman of the BCL from 1993-96, during the years when a new version of the Missal, revised by ICEL, was under consideration by the bishops. (This revised text, though approved by the bishops in 1997, was rejected by the Holy See in 2002.) Bishop Trautman was chairman of the Doctrine Committee 2001-2003.
Other members of the BCL are Cardinal Justin Rigali (Philadelphia), Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk (Cincinnati), Bishops Edward Braxton (Belleville), Blaise Cupich (Rapid City), Ricardo Ramirez (Las Cruces), and Emil Wcela (Aux. Rockville Centre). Consultants include Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony and Chicago Cardinal Francis George, a member of the ICEL Board and Bishop Trautman’s predecessor as BCL chairman.
Source: BCL Newsletter, Mar-Apr 2005
Related articles in this issue: New Lectionary Review Process Reveals "Inclusivizing" Influence – Again by Helen Hull Hitchcock, June 2005 AB
Related articles in this issue: Comments on Liturgical authenticam June 2005 AB
ICEL Sends New Missal Draft to Bishops — on CD
This May, ICEL sent a CD voice recording of its latest draft of the English translation of the Roman Missal to the bishops for review.
The ICEL translators now apply the translation principles of the Instruction on translation, Liturgiam authenticam, which replaced a 1969 statement on translation, “Comme le prevoit”, that was used for the 1973/4 English version still in use.
The spoken texts of the recording convey the inherent beauty of the English language and reverence of the Latin original text to a remarkable degree, in comparison with the English version now in use.
A consultation of the English-speaking bishops’ conferences is anticipated this fall, and, providing all the ICEL-affiliated conferences approve the texts, and the Holy See gives recognitio (authorization), the new Missal could be published by late next year.
Related articles in this issue: New Lectionary Review Process Reveals "Inclusivizing" Influence – Again by Helen Hull Hitchcock, June 2005 AB
Related articles in this issue: Comments on Liturgical authenticam June 2005 AB
Pope Benedict Confirms Dates, Officials, for Synod on Eucharist
On May 12, Pope Benedict XVI confirmed that the 11th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops will be held in the Vatican October 2-23, 2005.
The Synod is titled: “The Eucharist: Source and Summit of the Life and Mission of the Church”. (Excerpts from the Lineamenta for the Synod appear in this issue of AB.)
The Holy Father also confirmed the appointments of the presidents delegate, the relator general and the special secretary, as well as the appointments of the delegates and substitutes of the synod, as ratified by the late John Paul II.
The presidents delegate are: Cardinals Francis Arinze, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Juan Sandoval Íñiguez, archbishop of Guadalajara, Mexico, and Telesphore Placidus Toppo, archbishop of Ranchi, India. The relator general is Cardinal Angelo Scola, patriarch of Venice, Italy and the special secretary is Archbishop Roland Minnerath of Dijon, France.
Source: Vatican Information Service
Juventutem, an international delegation for Catholic youth ages 16-30 who favor the pre-conciliar Mass, is planning special events in connection with World Youth Day 2005 to be held in Cologne, August 16-21.
Two events are planned: first, a religious retreat to be held in Bavaria, August 10-15; then the delegation will attend the main World Youth Day in Cologne.
Juventutem organizers report that three cardinals and six bishops will be part of Juventutem, including Cardinal Francis George, Cardinal Francis Arinze, and Cardinal George Pell, and St. Louis Archbishop Raymond Burke.
The title “Juventutem” comes from a quote from the prayers at the foot of the altar in the 1962 Roman Missal: “Introibo ad altare Dei, ad Deum Qui laetificat juventutem meam” (“I will go up to the altar of the Lord, to God who gives joy to my youth”.)
For further information, see, or contact Indira Sweeny, US Secretary for Juventutem, telephone: 718-449-1082, or e-mail: [email protected]
Source: Juventutem news release