Oct 15, 2004

Online Edition – October 2004

Vol. X No. 7

Table of Contents

News & ViewsCDW Issues Handbook for the Year of the Eucharist | A Tale of Two Conferences

Active Participation Reconsideredby Francis Cardinal Arinze – The Liturgy and the Sanctifying Office of the Bishop, Reflections proposed to bishops, of recent nomination, in Rome, September 17, 2004

Pope John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter, Mane Nobiscum Domine – "Stay with us, Lord", October 7, 2004.

Readers’ Forum – October 2004 — Why the Abuses? | Mechanical Instruments | New Instruction | Communal Penance Service | Don’t Stop! | Grammatical Orthodoxy | Greetings before Mass | E Pluribus Unison? | "Word and Communion" | Extra Extraordinary Ministers | Papal Knight: "I am a pro-choice man" | Lineamenta Responses? | Challenge to Instruction on Liturgical Abuse

Holy Architect Antoni Gaudi, the Spanish architect best known for designing the as yet unfinished Church of Sagrada Familia (Holy Family) in Barcelona, has recently had his "cause" for beatification accepted by the Vatican.

The Priest and the Eucharist, Explanation of the Icon of the Ministerial Priesthood — by Monsignor Anthony LaFemina



Cardinal Francis Arinze