Jun 15, 2004


Online Edition – Vol. X, No. 4: June 2004

About Letters to the Editor


Readers’ Forum — the lively "Letters to the Editor" of the Adoremus Bulletin provides a forum for exchange of ideas, comment and information on the sacred liturgy — but the letters column is not published online.

If you are reading the Adoremus Bulletin in the "online edition" only, you are missing one of the most popular and useful features of the journal. To become a member of Adoremus — and receive the "hard-copy" edition, including the "Readers Forum", see Membership page.

We are grateful for your letters. While we read every letter, we get so many that it is impossible to answer or publish all of them. In selecting those to appear in "Readers Forum", preference will be given to subjects of widest interest. Letters should be 250 words or fewer, preferably typed. They may be e-mailed. Please include your name, address, city and state (which may be withheld on request). If a letter refers to a previous issue of AB, please include the date of that issue and name of article. All letters may be edited for publication. Be sure to indicate clearly if your letter is NOT intended for publication.

Readers’ Forum — June 2004

Cardinal George’s Speech — Queries: Offertory and Act of Contrition — On Marian Hymns at Mass — Hymns for HIM — Last Words on "Father Mikey" — Names Protocol — Church Shopping? — Accompanying the Eucharistic Prayer — Will the Instruction Stop the Abuses? — Holy Thursday –"Communion Services" — Debts and Trespasses



The Editors