Online Edition
– Vol. IX, No. 4: June 2003
Table of Contents
Cardinal Arinze’s Address to Denver Liturgical Conference The Sacred Liturgy Builds up the Church — "The ecclesial nature of every liturgical act is most manifest in the Eucharistic celebration, the Mass, which is the supreme act of Christian worship".
Rite of Pius V Cannot Be Considered Defunct, Cardinal says — Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, President of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, celebrated Mass according to the Rite of Saint Pius V.
News — Hard Rock, OSB — Rock-star Sinéad O’Connor wants to teach Religion — Vatican Revives Latin Study — Catholic U Showcases Bernstein "Mass" — Amy Vanderbilt on Liturgy — Bishops’ June Meeting — Correction
What’s so Sacred about Sacred Music? Is "Sacredness" a Matter of Taste, or an Objective Reality? — "It might seem too obvious, but the very fact that Vatican documents use the term sacred to refer to music for the Liturgy indicates that the Church believes there is such a thing as music that is sacred". by The Rev. James T. Benzmiller
Heritage of Catholic Music restored to Catholic Worship The Twin Cities Catholic Chorale — "The fact is that there is a demand among Catholics, and especially young people, for beautiful ceremonies and worthy sacred music". by Richard M. Hogan
What Happened to My Hymn? — "Familiar texts can be as comfortable as old shoes, and as uncomfortable when replaced as new ones a size too small". by Lucy Carroll
Cardinal Arinze addresses BCL; Georgetown University grads, where protest ensues — "The Cardinal’s brief address at Georgetown, "Arise, Rejoice, God is calling you", contained a concise statement of Catholic doctrine concerning the family". [Link to full text of the address within the story]
Readers’ Forum — "Saint Louis Jesuits"? — Baptismal Fonts Redux — Reverence Is Not the Problem — Reverence is the Problem — Membership Renewal — "Neo-Catholic"? — "Sponsoring" Seminarians — AB Helpful to Seminarians — AB Helpful to Priests — AB Helpful to Converts — AB Tediously Written — Too Much Stress on Ritual — A Proposal for Reform… — Disposable Purificators? — Wedding Inspires –What about the Apocryhpha? — Why Print Donors’ Names? — New Documents
Church Architecture and the Supreme Court Attempting to use secular law to govern church renovations may be perilous — "In the enad it is quite dangerous to allow the secular courts to decide such things as the style of altars, or the placement of tabernacles, even when court decisions might effectively support authentic Catholic belief and practice. by James Hitchcock
Everything Old is New Again Monks build anew with ancient stones