Nov 15, 2001

Table of Contents

Online Edition – Vol. VII, No. 8: November 2001

Table of Contents

Synod 2001 — World’s Bishops address papal primacy, role of bishops, "inculturation" (followed by several quotes from bishops at the Synod’s General Congregations) — by James Hitchcock

Music and Liturgy – How does music express the Word of God, the Vision of God? — Chapter from The Spirit of the Liturgy — by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

Question and Answer Guide to Liturgical Inculturaion — Based on Varietates Legitimae, common question about liturgical "inculturation" — compiled by Fr. Jerry J. Pokorsky

When Beauty is Revolutionary Reflections on Liturgiam authenticamby Fr. Raymond Gawronski, SJ

NewsNew Martyrology | Pope calls for Daily Rosary | Prayer book for Adoration | Bishops on reverence for the Blessed Sacrament | Liturgists plan catechesis for changes in rules for Mass.

Letter from the Holy See to American Bishops — Communion in the Hand — Letter dated April 13, 1985 from the Congregation for Divine Worship to the National Conference of Catholic Bishops

Breaking out of the self-enclosed circle — Commentary on The Spirit of the Liturgy — by Fr. James V. Schall, SJ

Prayer to Saint Michael



James F. Hitchcock

James F. Hitchcock, emeritus professor of history at St. Louis University, which he attended as an undergraduate, received his masters and doctorate degrees from Princeton University. An archive of various articles of his can be read here. Dr. Hitchcock has authored several books, including The Supreme Court and Religion in American Life; The Recovery of the Sacred; What Is Secular Humanism; Catholicism and Modernity: Confrontation or Capitulation?; and History of the Catholic Church: From the Apostolic Age to the Third Millennium