Online Edition –
Vol. VI, No. 1: March 2000
A Unique Hymnal
Cantate et Iubilate Deo: A Devotional and Liturgical Hymnal
Edited by The Rev. James Socias (1999. Princeton: Scepter Publishers; Chicago: Midwest Theological Forum; Huntington, Indiana:
Our Sunday Visitor
. $24.95. 222 pp. Illustrated. Cloth.)
A welcome contribution to the available literature on Church music is this "devotional hymnal" edited by the well-known Opus Dei priest, Father James Socias.
Not an ordinary hymnal, it features commentaries on the texts of its selection of 87 classic hymns (many in Latin with accurate English translations), frequent quotations from relevant Vatican documents on the Liturgy, and includes a separate section of prayers and devotions for before and after Mass. It also includes two popular English Masses, Richard Proulx’s "Community Mass", and "Mass of Creation" by the Lutheran Marty Haugen; and four Latin chant Masses in modern notation. (Mr. Proulx, along with Father Peter Stravinskas and Father Cassian Folsom, OSB, were consulters.)
The book is handsomely printed and the text is embellished with monochrome illustrations of classic art works. A "seasonal index" and index of first lines are included.
Although it is not intended for use as a regular hymnal (only the melody line is given, and it is considerably more expensive than most hymnals)
Cantate et Iubilate Deo
would be a valuable resource for any Church musician or parish library and will interest anyone who wishes to learn more about Catholic hymnody and Church music.
In a brief foreword to the work, Father Cassian Folsom, OSB, of the Pontifical Liturgical Institute, says, "May this hymnal foster the unity between liturgy and devotion, so that Christ may be formed in us".