Dec 15, 1996

New Liturgy Committee Head

Online Edition – December 1996
Vol. II, No. 8

New Liturgy Committee Head

Bishop Trautman, who has headed the BCL during the process of debate and vote on the ICEL Sacramentary revisions, and who has been to Rome for consultation on the stalled Lectionary so many times that Cardinal Hickey joked about his "wisdom gained from so many seances in Rome", concluded his three-year term as BCL chairman at the end of the November meeting. He will be succeeded by Archbishop Jerome Hanus, OSB, of Dubuque.

Archbishop Hanus is also chairman of an ad hoc committee on the Forum on Translation which is planned for 1997. Other members of the Forum committee are Archbishop Rigali. Bishop Victor Balke of Crookston, Bishop Alexander Brunett of Helena, and Bishop John Gerry, OSB, of Portland, Maine.

The Executive Director of the BCL Secretariat, Father James Moroney, of Worcester, Massachusetts, took over that office in September, Father Moroney had been president of the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions.

Other Liturgy committee members are Roger Cardinal Mahony of Los Angeles, Bishop Anthony Bosco of Greensburg, Bishop Edward Grosz, auxiliary of Buffalo, Bishop Frank Rodimer of Paterson, NJ, Bishop Emil Wcela, auxiliary of Brooklyn.

Cardinal Mahony, Bishops Rodimer, Wcela and Trautman are members of the NCCB Administrative Committee.

Bishop Rodimer is chairman of a sub-committee of the BCL to revise the controversial 1978 document, Environment and Art in Catholic Worship, which is scheduled to be presented to the conference next year. Bishops Wcela and Trautman are members of the NCCB ad hoc committee for Review of Scripture Translations.



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